Tuesday 1 May 2007

101 Ways to Die

Tonight was my second Dynamis run, which was once again Dynamis-Jeuno. Doffo reminded me to turn all my settings down so that the lag was minimised and for the most part it worked. It was still bad in parts, but nowhere near as jerky as it was last week.

There were less of us this time - although I was in a full alliance, there were very few people in the BLM alliance, meaning they had to work extra hard to make sure that they killed as many statues as possible before the main waves of Goblins reached the second line.

Derelict had quit for personal reasons, but Momotaru was there, generally trying to be cute through lots of emotes. Teila learned that he was from Bangkok but he had very good English.

Doffo was in my party this week, and I also had a Refresher, Lilkittykat, who was very polite, as was my THF, Nyclia. Akashea was in my alliance but in another party, and Teila was BRD in the BLM group.

We failed again. The puller kept pulling bad links and we wiped on numerous occasions and after the tenth death people were getting a bit miffed and started filtering off one by one.

Some Relic Armour dropped, mainly RDM and BRD, but I think there were some Warrior's Mufflers in there too. The Relic Staff dropped and no one lotted on it, so out of two alliances it happened to fall into my inventory. Now I've only got to get BLM or SMN to L75 to use it, and also try to power it up several times over.

I've now built up 6 DP (Dynamis Points) so I can start lotting on my WHM Relic Armour as of next Tuesday, not that I really want it though.

Afterwards I switched to COR, and started seeking in Jeuno. I was seeking for an hour and was about to log when I got a blind invite from a THF. I accepted, and I was the first to join. We soon got to four, and then had the luxury of a PLD tank, but the whole party was immature. They began arguing about having "high level" jobs and who knew best. They promptly got aggroed by a Dancing Weapon in the tunnel to Qufim.

After around an hour of faffing about, and passing leader around, we remained at five and took on a Worm at the pond. We received some nice XP for it, but afterwards our MNK decided to rest by the water and got aggroed by a GBH. He died rapidly and the WHM DC'd. A passing WHM from another party came along and Raised the MNK, but our WHM never came back.

After all that wasted time I quit the party quite fed up. Are all low level players just idiots? Arguing over who has the highest job, passing leader back and forth, shouting in caps, DCing after one fight... grrr.

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