Wednesday 16 May 2007

Shooting Fish

Before I went over to my friend's house for Wednesday night website designing, I decided to do the L20 BCNM "Shooting Fish" a couple of times with Teila. I'd done this lots of times in the past and failed each time, but Teila had come up with a clever new strategy whereby a L20 SMN can solo it!

In this BCNM you face three NM Pugils. Two are slightly weaker Archer Pugils and the central one is the stronger Sniper Pugil. All three attack by firing balls of water at you which sends you flying back a long way, similar to the Memory Receptacles in the Promyvions. Therefore it's impossible to melee them (well, pretty much anyway).

Teila approached the edge of the arena, summoned Ramuh and popped a Yagudo Drink. Before engaging, she activated Astral Flow, then, without getting aggro, sent Ramuh in to Assault the Sniper Pugil. As soon as Ramuh engaged, she fired off a Judgement Bolt, turned and began running down the hill. After counting to four, she clicked on Retreat. This means the Pugils will shoot at Ramuh, knocking him away from them, allowing Ramuh to float down the hill at a good distance from the Pugils so he doesn't get hit.

Previously, we had been Releasing Ramuh, meaning the hate was on us, but by Retreating, Ramuh still has the hate. As you need twice your level in MP to use Astral Flow, keep running until your MP has reached 40, then turn around, Assault the Sniper Pugil and fire off the second Judgement Bolt. This should kill the two Archer Pugils, and if the Sniper Pugil is still alive, retreat Ramuh again, run back to the top and fire off the final one. It was hideously easy, and because Ramuh is strong to Water, he only gets hit between 1-5 points of damage.

After I'd watched Teila do it, I went in and did it myself, and it was just as easy. The first time we got a Mannequin Head, Something Cesti, Scroll of Blaze Spikes, Mythril Beastcoin, Pugil Scales and 700 Gil, and the second time we got a Scroll of Blaze Spikes, a Yellow Rock, Mythril Beastcoin, Pugil Scales, Shall Shell and 700 Gil. I took the Mannequin Head as they're Rare and Teila already had one.

I'm going to do this regularly now as my Beastmen's Seals have just been building up and this would be an easy way to get rid of them. I know Teila went back in two hours later and got a Thunder Spirit Pact, worth around 60k at the moment. My Mannequin head is worth around 100k I think, but I'm keeping it towards my full Mannequin.

I also need to say a big Congratulations to Teila who joined an Alliance tonight for the CoP "Sequel" mission versus Bahamut in Monarch Linn, "Storms of Fate". She had eighteen people and beat him first time. Her words were "What a fight!". Not many people can lay claim to having beaten Bahamut, especially first time.

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