Thursday 24 May 2007

We Wuz Robbed!

When I got in I went with Teila to The Eldieme Necropolis to get her Tavnazia Bell. I came along as THF and we got our Bell after killing around ten or so, which isn’t bad considering there are only four Dark Stalkers in the circular area where Lich C Magnus pops.
We then took the Bell up to Fei’Yin and decided to see if Teila could solo Aldedour I Tavnazia for her WHM Body. I had done this previously with an alliance of around fifteen people for mine and this had seemed hard but we managed to do it. It took Teila around twenty minutes of kiting and fighting – first with Fenrir using Eclipse Bite, then when MP ran low, she switched to Carby and began simply letting him melee as if he were a Bomb in Ifrit’s Cauldron. There is no way she could have done this without Carbuncle Mitts.
It dropped the Tavnazia Mask dropped and she returned to San d’Oria to claim her Healer’s Briault. She’s already on the verge of L58 as a WHM, and to be honest I don’t know how she levels so fast. I guess with the lack of people now, I guess WHMs are more popular.
At 8:30pm, we met up with Kellie, Kitty, BBK and Gotrunks. With a win tonight, Gotrunks was going to get access to Lufaise Meadows! We entered Promyvion-Mea and began looking around for the first Memory Receptacle with Squidy on map duty this time. On the fourth floor, we made it to the Spire of Mea, but we hadn’t found the Memory Flux for Teila. Kellie, Kitty and Gotrunks zoned to the Spire, whilst BBK, Teila and me ran to find the Memory Flux which was behind some aggro. We made it no probs, but on the way back, I caught a Weeper that turned, but Teila and I set Carby onto it and we zoned safe. No deaths at all, a big difference from Dem.
The boss was the Delver, a NM Craver that looked like a giant daddy-long-legs. BBK and Kitty pulled it over to the right side of the room and Teila pulled out Fenrir to put Accuracy and Evasion down on the Delver. I pulled out Ramuh and melee’d with him, whilst chucking out the odd Cure to assist Gotrunks. At around 70% HP Teila and I used Astral Flow and hit the Delver with two Judgement Bolts. It’s life plummeted, and to counter its new TP, BBK and Kitty used Hysteroanima and Psychoanima to lock it down. This was when things started to go wrong. We had agreed that if it did Carousel, Kitty would use Terroanima to make it run around so that Kitty and BBK could get their shadows up again, but I had totally forgotten that even if it’s running about it can still use TP moves. I have NEVER seen so many spammed TP moves. It did Carousel after Carousel and annihilated us. Teila and I managed to get another Astral Flow off each, and it was on a dash of life. One by one, the party fell to Carousel and eventually it was just Kitty, Teila and me standing. Kitty moved to the back to rest up, and I think at the same time, Kellie Reraised up. She tossed another Terroanima just as Teila used her third Judgement Bolt, but the Delver ran out of range and she lost it. She fell to the Carousel. I sent Ramuh in for my last Judgement Bolt, and watched as… …THE DELVER RESISTED! It’s a sorry day that not only does a monster resist an Astral Flow, but resists an element that it is weak against. Instead of 450 damage, it took 214 damage and was hanging on with an empty HP bar. It was unbelievable, an empty HP bar. One more move! One more move! I Reraised up, but Astral Flow had worn and I had no more Yagudo Drinks to Refresh my MP. Ramuh could not use any more abilities and he returned to the Thunder Protocrystal. The Delver came over to Kitty and me and used its last Carousel.
My heart had never pounded so much. I felt as robbed as I had when I had fought Diabolos. Nothing worse than spending hours trekking through a Prommy, then put up an awesome fight against the boss, to die at the last second. A wipe at 70% would have been OK as it would have shown that we weren’t ready. To wipe on an empty HP bar is like being mugged outside your own front door. We were robbed. You can watch the fight here: Afterwards, Teila and I went with BBK to Davoi to kill Purpleflash Brukdok for his RDM AF weapon. We spent a while wondering how to pop him but then he spawned moments after we’d cleared the area and we killed him with little difficulty. I was so tired that I logged out in Davoi.

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