Sunday 29 April 2007

A Bit of a CoP-Out

Although I had told the CoP Squad last week I couldn't make CoP tonight as I was going out for my birthday, due to personal reasons I wasn't able to go ahead with my birthday plans so I posted on the Forum a couple of days ago that I could make tonight. Luckily, and with the help of BBK, I was able to get in touch with everyone and it seemed like we were able to have another bash at the Snoll Tzar.

However, things backfired when Usagy told me he'd just used his 2hr in a fight against Dynamis Lord and it wasn't going to be ready until around ten forty-five so I decided to cancel it and Usagy said he'd let us know in advance if he had anymore Dynamis Lord fights. BBK and Aka both said that Usagy was MNK and not BLM, but I had to let them know that 2hrs weren't job-specific, and apologised to them. Doffo had the bright idea of me changing to COR and using Wild Card to see if I could reset his 2hr, but it was too much of a hassle to get everyone ready and then use it for it not to work (it's random) so we rescheduled for next week. Although I would like to finally finish Chapter Six of CoP, I'm certainly in no rush to blitz it.

Instead I took my COR to the Dunes. Although Teila advised me against it, BBK had been emailing me saying that the Dunes wasn't so bad and that he'd had some good parties there so I thought "what the hell" and gave it a go.

I got an invite straight away and was the first to join (is this an omen of things to be with COR from now on?) and when we were at four, we started taking on Tough mobs, as our BLM tanked them (he did, for real!), frying crabs before they could kill him, whilst a PL spotted him an occasional Cure. Eventually we got six, having a WHM and a WAR to tank.

The party range was L17 to L20 so we decided to take on Pugs (yes we still had the PL), so the WAR agreed to tank and I pulled. I brought back a Pug and got knocked to 17HP before the party told the WAR to 'Voke and he did so reluctantly, before dying in two hits. Baffled as to why this happened, we checked him, and noticed he was still in L1 RSE!

"Why are you still in L1 gear?" Our SMN asked.

"Dunno, it's all I got," he replied.

Now I'd understand if he was a L10 with no sub, but this guy was a Rank 2 WAR18/MNK9, so he'd obviously done a bit of levelling. You think he might have a couple of hundred Gil just to buy some cheap armour. I'm not a you-must-do-this, you-must-do-that kinda person, but to be a WAR and not have any gear but an axe is a bit silly.

Luckily I had some spare gear on me so I loaned it to him and we carried on fighting. He seemed to understand the need to 'Voke (albeit reluctantly), and we plodded along slowly. Almost straight away our WHM left (maybe because of the PL) and then the BLM and SMN hit L20, to be followed by the THF who hit L19. I was left at L17 with the WAR and because a three-level gap in the Dunes makes a difference, I was receiving around 50+ XP for each Pug, and every fight was a struggle. I had to sacrifice Hunter's Roll for Corsair's Roll just to nab me some more XP but as a result I couldn't hit anything. It was a crazy party.

Every time the WAR 'Voked (he was learning), the THF (leader) screamed at him to let the PL take the hate, but my opinion is - if you PL people, they don't learn how to do their job, probably why he didn't know to 'Voke at the start. The party was too sh1te for me to bother arguing. We had around six or seven deaths in an hour, and this was WITH a PL.

Not being elitist, but I don't think I'll be going back for at least another year. At least I managed to solo to L18 afterwards and I'll go to Qufim next time.

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