Friday 20 April 2007


I got in early from work, but ended up having a row with the folks so I had a bit of a lie down before I logged in. When I did log in, I fed SilentForest then Warped back to Whitegate for three very successful Assaults in Mamool Ja Training Grounds. We had two Japanese members, Alion and Flipper, and Flipper could speak excellent English and was great fun. We also had Derelict from my Friend List, so all in all, Teila and I had a great time. I think I'm now halfway to getting my Yigit Gages.

Afterwards I logged out to get on with some RL stuff, but came back in around 10pm to help Omnislasher get his WHM Coffer Key as I had promised on the Forum. It turned out that he already had the Coffer Key and the Healer's Mitts but as I had promised to help him he asked if I could Raise III his party who were lying dead in Beaudeax.

I had just swapped to THF, but I agreed and Teleported (nekkid) to Dem and made my way to Beaudeax with Omni. We ran as quickly as we could towards the underground area where the Coffer mobs were, but Omni got aggro, and even though I tried to help him, having no equipment equals WHM death, and whilst Omni somehow managed to escape, I pulled the plug to lose hate, but came back in dead and without my Reraise III up.

I lay there for awhile feeling a bit p1ssed off and leaving the party wondering how I'd managed to get aggro and die, but I didn't feel like dropping Omni in it, so I kept quiet. Luckily a passing RDM kindly spotted me a Raise I so I thanked him and carried on.

I made it to their camp when they had only minutes to spare before they were forced to HP. Wrexsoul was in the party, and he was nice - I know him from Teila's Friend List. I Raise III'd their BLM, Yuchemey, but straight away they pulled another Quadav and she got caught in an AoE and died again. I Raise III'd her a second time and then the other dead member. They were very grateful, and I was tired so I Warped home and logged out.

Man, the things I get up to on my Friday nights. I'm such a party animal.

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