Sunday 22 April 2007

Snoll Holds Barred

This morning there was another Besieged (morning being midday after another lie-in) and it was the Mamool Ja, so I managed to get some more XP with THF. I've got a buffer of around 4k now, which isn't bad considering my last party left me with a buffer of just over 100 XP.

After Besieged, I went with Teila to the Alzadaal Undersea Ruins to do her BLU AF3 fight against a Soulflayer NM. We got horribly lost in the Ruins and ran around trying teleporter after teleporter until we gave up and went to Nashmau before running through Caedarva Mire to try a different entrance; one it seemed we couldn't access via the main bulk of the dungeon.

The room to fight him was empty so Teila popped him and set Fenrir on him as Fenrir seems to be tougher than any PLD at L75. This Soulflayer was rock solid and had very heavy nukes.At one point, when Fenrir died I got the hate and he used a move called "Reprobation" (sp?) which stripped me of every single buff I had including Reraise III. He followed straight away with a Thunder III which reduced me from full to 15 HP, luckily Fenrir was back out and took the hate again allowing me to recover myself. We finished the fight, both drained of MP and Teila got her BLU AF head piece.

I was pretty broke after preparing for tonight's CoP run, so I went off to Pashow Marshlands to farm. After being on the PC for most of the day my eyes were hurting, so I went AFK as I was feeling pretty fidgety. When I came back, I returned to Whitegate and began getting the CoP Squad together for the Snoll Tzar fight.

When we finally set off, it was almost 9pm, but the run accross the Uleguerande Range to the Orc NPC was pretty smooth. We got our Shu-Meyu Salts and ran up to the top of Bearclaw Pinnacle for the fight but BBK and Aka got aggro and died just outside the zone.

After more jokes were made about BBK's ar$e being stuck in the air for most of Chapters One through Five, we made it into the BCNM and took on the Snoll Tzar.

We got him down to practically no life before we wiped, and everyone began the "If I'd done this..." and "If I'd done that..." but I don't see how we could have done better. We really pushed ourselves (and it was Firesday) but I guess we'll beat him with practice.

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