Friday 13 April 2007

Friday 13th Pt. II

Tonight was going to be a relaxing session but I ended up being quite busy again. First of all, I went to Batallia Downs to fight six NM Tigers for Teila's Chocobo quest. They all attacked at the same time, so Teila used Sleepga II so that we could take them on one at a time. We could have beat them without it though, they didn't take long to kill.

Soon after, the leader of our Dynamis Linkshell begged us to come to the Sea Serpent Grotto as Charybdis had popped and was unclaimed. We said we'd help on this occasion (as T and I don't like camping NMs) so we OP Warped to the Yuhtunga Jungle and ran to the Grotto.

We formed an Alliance with other members of the Linkshell who had turned up and one guy let us through the Gold Beastcoin door. We made our way down into the room where he was and they pulled it. It was quite a fun fight, and pretty smooth. HP did drop quite a bit, but we killed it without any real danger, and got 2k gil each, plus the Joyeuse, which the leader (RDM) lotted on. He was very grateful and hope he appreciated our help!

After that, I returned to Whitegate for dinner but found out that Kujo had logged on to ask for help getting his Staging Points. I'd already told him that he couldn't keep coming back to us only when he wanted help, but I gave in and agreed to take him to some Staging Points, as admittedly, I had nothing else to do.

Teila came with us to Mamool Ja Staging Point, as that's the easiest one in my opinion. We made it through without a problem, so I decided to take him to the other easy one, Nyzul Isle. I was pre-occupied with something else and turned up to the NPC in Bhaflau Thickets without my Silver Coin so had to Warp back and pick one up. When we got to Nyzul Isle, Kujo spent ages figuring out why he got no CS from the NPC at the Runic Portal. It took a while, but eventually I figured out he was trying to get CSs for his BLU AF. I explained that Nyzul Isle was a new Staging Point and wasn't anything to do with the AFs.

We returned to Whitegate and I agreed to do one more: Azouph Isle Staging Point in Caedarva Mire. We ran to the docks to get the boat to Nashmau but Kujo went to the wrong docks and I had to wait an eternity for him to get to Nashmau on the next boat.

Once in Nashmau, we left by the North Gate and out into the Mire. It had been ages since I'd done this route (as I've used the Staging Point for as long as I can remember) and I took a right instead of a left at the lake and ended up getting lost down by the entrance to the Alzadaal Undersea Ruins. We got aggroed by an Orderly Imp, and although Easy Prey, I was a WHM and couldn't do anything but run for it. I escaped the Imp and made it to Nashmau.

After I'd recovered, I ran back out to him, but didn't notice the pesky Chigoes in the grass, where upon I got hammered to death by a group of them hitting at the speed of light. I Reraised up and cast Sneak and Invis and began resting. I had no idea Chigoes aggroed through Sneak and Invisible, but somehow I got aggro again, and died like a total noob.

I was pretty mad at this point and I was swearing, so I felt bad for Kujo. It wasn't his fault but to be honest, Staging Points should be soloed or done with groups of people who need them, as to have someone take you to them who hasn't been to them in ages is nothing but a time-consuming risk.

I Reraised up again and somehow made it back to where Kujo was. I dropped him a Raise III and he got up but not before getting aggro from the Chigoes in the grass and dying a second time. I Raised him up again and this time we were safe.

After Weakened had wore, we made a run for it and made it to the tough area where the Merit parties camp near the Jnun pools. Luckily there were so many people there, that we were able to make it to the gate without aggro, or nearly did, as Kujo got aggro from a Heraldic Imp at the last second. He was practically one-shotted, but it despawned after he died, so I Raised him again and we legged it to the gate. He already had Halvung's staging point, so in total he now had four out of six, which wasn't bad. I told him he'd have to shout for the last two in Arrapago Reef as I didn't want to face that place again right now!

I was pretty annoyed that my whole night had got taken up doing that as it is a time-consuming effort getting Staging Points and not the sort of thing you want to repeat, but hey, it's done now.

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