Tuesday 24 April 2007


Tonight was Dynamis-Jeuno with ShadesOfUnicorn, my Dynamis Linkshell, so at 6pm we gathered in Ru'Lude Gardens to prepare. The people were really friendly and it kinda reminded me of a school reunion. Doffo and Aka were also there from TheHelpingHand too but Doffo and Teila weren't in my Alliance.

After ages of sorting groups, we finally entered Dynamis-Jeuno, my first ever Dynamis, filled with very evil looking Goblins. For each Goblin there was a walking Goblin statue called a Goblin Replica. We had two Alliances of 18 people. The BLMs were on the front line and their job was to destroy all the statues whilst the second line (the melee) had to destroy the waves of Goblins that followed. The mages were the third line and healed or buffed the melee.

Within minutes we wiped due to a bad pull and Reraised up to continue. We were inside for a total of four hours but we didn't win as it was chaos and everyone was saying that they'd never had a run like this.

It could have been fun but it wasn't. Imagine Besieged lag, where you can't see what's going on. Now imagine that your screen has locked for three seconds, then jerks, then locks again. Count to three, go on. That's along time for your screen to freeze during a fight. The lag was SO horrid that my party kept wiping before I'd even got an initial Barfira up. Others were also complaining that the lag was bad but this was beyond lag, this was unplayable.

For what I did see, Aka was having fun, but Teila kept dying on the front line, along with Momotaru, who I felt really sorry for. He was like the BBK of the group - I never saw him standing. There were some other nice people too, like Derelict and Liannakanzaki, and there were a few jokes (namely a spontaneous wipe from Leviathan's 2hr except Ailee to be followed by references to Bin Laden). Darkshade got angry at the chaos a few times, and there was some bickering over Danjo's job (SAM/DRG) as apparently it was the reason he died around ten times, but other than that it was cool.

I decided to give it one more chance and agreed to come along next Tuesday. Some Relic armour dropped (Abyss Sollerets, Wyrm Finger Gauntlets and Cleric's Pantaloons), and Aka lotted on the Pantaloons but only got 93. We were also thrown out of Dynamis before everyone had finished passing or lotting.

Afterwards I changed back to Corsair, and headed to Bastok. Outside in South Gustaberg, I hit L13, so at least I ended the night on a good vibe.

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