Tuesday 6 May 2014

Make a Prishe!

I didn't think it would take that long to go around collecting the final CoP cutscenes, especially with the Home Point teleporting which we didn't have back in 'my day' but I was surprised, especially with the wait for the right Manaclipper to come along. Between entering Bibiki Bay and arriving in Purgonorgo Isle, I think it took around 45min? But it was worth it as the CoP storyline was wrapped up (such a deep story, so epic), and I was able to obtain Trust: Prishe for my collection! When Distant Worlds played, it nearly brought a tear to my eye - again!

On the way up to Uleguerand Range, I bumped into Barbaric Weapon in Xarcabard. He surprised me with how difficult he was, spamming Whirl of Rage (preventing casting). He didn't drop the Rover's Gloves though: I do seem to be incredibly unlucky with NM drops as my PLD.

BBK and Aka have been spending a lot of time in Abyssea: Altepa lately, duoing Orthrus as Aka needs one of the drops (a spell?) and BBK suggested we get me the Atheling Mantle, which looks pretty good with its Attack and Double Attack bonus. We've arranged to go and have a bash at him at the weekend. I'm really excited, as I've wanted to do Abyssea properly for so long but haven't had the guts to do it with a PUG, mainly because I know next to nothing about how it works, so to do it with old friends, is fantastic. I also never see Abyssea parties anymore, as I think everyone is in Adoulin.

BBK also wanted to try duoing with me in Rala Waterways beneath Adoulin, so after I finished CoP, I 'ported over to Western Adoulin and we partied up. I'd never been to anywhere beyond Ceizak Battlegrounds or Yahze Hunting Grounds (for GEO/RUN) so I was totally in his hands with where to go or what to do. He led me down a winding path to what looked like a sewer entrance, and in we went - right beneath the city streets.

BBK came as his PUP and we took on the crabs there - two at a time - as he set Kenbishi on one and fought another. Some of the crabs looked different (Barnacled Crabs?), which was nice as it made for some variation. Kenbishi's weaponskills were hitting for over 3k, and BBK's were almost 3k - these crabs were over L100, and I could barely hit them at L94, yet he mowed through them. I was getting over 400 XP a kill, and made around 10-15k in no time, before BBK had to go as he was getting up for work early. Just 5k XP to go until L95!

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