Sunday 18 May 2014

Cosplay, Kupo?

I'd logged out in Rala Waterways, somewhere in the south-eastern sector, so I decided to continue fighting my way back through the mobs to the start to get a few more merits along the way. I still couldn't believe how easy these babies were, and the amount of LP they gave was amazing. I managed to find my way out of the Waterways into Eastern Adoulin, having made ten merits!

Wondering what other old memories I could do solo, I decided to pop my head into Dynamis, as I happened to be running through Jeuno to get my letter of approval to fight Alexander Prime. These mobs were no problem, but they took a long time to kill and kept repopping close to where I was. I think I managed to fight four NMs, I got an Ordelle Bronzepiece, a Montiont Silverpiece and SAM Relic legs, I think. Also got the gem to pop the Goblin Golem but left before I had looked up what it was for.

After that I headed out to Al'Taieu to try Limbus as I still wanted my Brutal Earring. Initially I ended up going to Temenos, and had to come all the way back as I didn't have the items to get in. I then came back in and hit SE Apollyon. Was seriously freaked out at how incredibly easy it was - I was hitting for around 700-1100 on the mobs, which was bizarre as I was only hitting for around 200-300 in Dynamis. They were both old-school alliance areas, right?

Anyway, I cleared SE Apollyon without breaking a sweat, and collected 28 Ancient Beastcoins and a bunch of other stuff I wasn't sure what it did. Actually, I lie, I did almost break a sweat when I came to the floor with the Adamantshells, as everything on the floor was immune to slashing damage, and I thought I was going to have to do another 'Raubahn' but thanks to the all-new Mog Wardrobe, I pulled out my Eminent Dagger and made short work of them, even though my dagger skill is around 150.

I logged and spent most of the day gardening as its been so hot here, but did spend a bit of time trying out the new Adventurer Appreciation Campaign event dressed as a moogle! Had to fight some Goblin Rejoicers in West Ronfaure and every so often I got a status update saying "phase 1 complete...", "phase 2 complete..." etc. with a breakdown of how much curing, how much melee and how much spell damage I'd done, and at the end it converts it into 'points' and ranked me against other adventurers. Ultimately, the most amount of points obtained (from people dressed as either a Moogle or a Goblin) will lead to one of them being the Trust mascot. I got around 3k points before logging, and have heard that after 10k points I get a Cipher: Moogle. Oh, and I picked up a Cipher: Lion from the Greeter Moogle, so a good day in all.

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