Tuesday 20 May 2014

A Giant Disappointment

Before work, I hot-footed it over to Apollyon in Limbus and entered Apollyon SW to continue with my Ancient Beastcoin farming run, and collecting enty items for Temenos to fight Omega. Oddly enough, the mobs in here were taking 200-300 per normal hit from me (unlike Apollyon SE), which is what I expected them to take. As a result it took longer, but I found plenty of chests to extend my time.

What I really like about Limbus is that there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason about it - it's just random mobs that have been put in for you to beat up - once I'd made it past the birds though, I hit a snag when I encountered the purple Gigas. I saw Hyperion and Chronos, and pulled Chronos not realising he was completely immune to any type of physical damage. After an eternity I got bored of reducing his HP through Enlight and simply warped out. Total of 44 Ancient Beastcoins so far though, so just another 31 until I can get my Brutal Earring.

In the evening I decided to switch to BLM and level it to... level 2 so that I could try the Adventurer Appreciation Campaign event as RDM/BLM to beat up the Moogles. I got L3 in like a minute, without even realising I'd hit L2, so I changed to RDM and dressed up as a Goblin to take part. Can't believe how cool Tarus look in the Goblin Costume! I got some very good points as a RDM/BLM, and with Chainspell did exceedingly well. It didn't take too long to reach 10,000 points so I could get Trust: Fablinix, but I sucked royally at getting 3,000 points on expert mode to go towards getting Trust: Aldo.

Read up online that you needed to be RDM/BLM with a dagger to do this successfully. I'm not so convinced - that reeks of old-school SE where only one job combination works on a certain day of the week during a specific moon-phase etc. but I think I'll take a break and do this again in a few days with a dagger to try it. I still don't even understand the balancing of points. It's an interesting event, and one that makes a big difference to hitting samurai armour or chasing ghosts around town.

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