Wednesday 14 March 2007

The Worst Luck in the World

OK that’s a lie, there are people who are starving in Africa who don’t have much luck, but problems are relative, right? When I got to work in the morning, my first phone call was an omen of things to come. It was some guy from Scotland angry because some mail for a colleague of mine had been sent to his house by mistake. Now I don’t deal with the public in my role, so I’m not used to members of the public having a rant at me first thing in the morning (and he’d opened the mail to get my number) so it bugged me for awhile. I was then told my job was not moving to Leicester as I’d hoped, instead I’m being merged with a team in London so I was devastated by that. It’s back to job-hunting.

At lunchtime, I went to pull some money out the cash machine to find I was heavily into the red. A quick investigation with the bank revealed that Admiral Insurance had mistakenly taken over six hundred pounds out of my account. I was on the phone to them an hour, within which they admitted they’d screwed up royally, would refund me instantly and pay for any bank charges incurred. That’s great, but now I had to deal with the Inland Revenue (as this happened to happen on the one day I’d sent them a cheque) and the bank to try to explain to them what happened. Did the bank understand, no. I also had no money to last me until the refund came in.

To rub it in, I went to the station to find that today, of all days, I had run out of credit on my Oyster card and had to borrow a couple of quid off a colleague to get home, it was so humiliating.

After doing some chores, I thought I’d log in to take my mind off things (even though I’d been told it had been sorted, I was still a nervous wreck – nothing worse than someone robbing your account of all you have when all your direct debits are due) and the first thing I thought to do is go and find my Coffer in Castle Oztroja for my THF AF Legs. I ran round and round several times but never found it, so Warped back to Whitegate, picked up some more NIN tools, got a new Tactics Pearl and went back for another look. Still no luck, so I Warped again. It wasn’t even behind the Torch Door.

Having given up on the THF AF, I put together a party for the Lamia No. 13 Assault. It was another BRD who joined us (two RDMs would have been perfect, but BRD is fine too), as well as Zisa the PLD, who had come as DRG many times to the Periqia Assaults. We nailed the Lamia no probs for a further 1080 AP then reformed (when the BRD left) with another RDM (took ages to find) and he DC’d five times in the Assault meaning Teila effectively did all the Dispelling. We managed OK but Teila had to Convert under pressure and we just did it within the time limit.

Afterwards I began seeking, but there was nothing but a DRK and three RDMs available, so I took to soloing. I made around 600XP when I died to a bad pull (couldn’t even Flee in time) and lost it all. I then worked it all up again on Wespes in the Temple of Uggalepih, got myself a further 600XP, but on the last mob I had decided to kill before bed, somehow I took hate at the end, and got hit for just under 700 damage from Final Sting and died. So I was back to where I started when I left Whitegate.

Officially one of the crappiest days of the year so far.

I know I’m not alone with party invite problems, but at least BBK seems to be able to solo better-than-party XP, whereas at my current level I can only really solo on EP for fast but low XP, and I still need Yawawa. Plus I can’t equip a Reraise Gorget until L56 so I’m still stuck with the Earring for Raise 1s. My last party was weeks ago in Kuftal Tunnel. I don’t know what to do. I had thought the Linkshell were doing a static to catch me up and perhaps take the pressure off me levelling for CoP but no one’s mentioned it in ages.

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