Saturday 3 March 2007


This morning I logged in early and Akashea was already on the Linkshell. I mopped up the last of my CoP 5.3 cutscenes and tried one last time to get the Blackened Siredon from the Phanauet Channel. This time there was a thick mist over the river, and the remains of the Orcish settlement poking through the gloom only added to the eeriness. When we arrived at the Newtpool, I crossed my fingers and noticed that this time, the fish that I had caught’s life bar went down very fast. I knew I had caught something different and this time I was rewarded with a Muddy Siredon! I got off the boat and handed it to the Tonberry Chef NPC (plus 100gil) and he grilled it into a Blackened Siredon for me. Finally! I also took a peak around for the Orctrap, as BBK had been after some Katana for awhile, but I didn’t find it, not even in the hidden cave.

Afterwards I returned to Windurst to check on FrostMoon. His Discernment had risen to “Better Than Average” and his affection had hardly fallen even though I hadn’t visited him in two days. I reregistered his Whistle, and popped over to Whitegate as Akashea had announced that a Besieged was on its way.

I had been reluctant to go to Besieged as I had thought that as a L54 THF, I would get minimal XP but I was pleasantly surprised to see that I received 950 against the Mamool Ja. I had hardly hit them at all, but had remained engaged, either missing or hitting for 0. Somehow, I even ended up with more than BBK and Aka. Aka explained it was probably due to how much was contributed during the event, but then how come when Teila and BBK have been doing nothing but nuking do they seem to get less XP? Teila says she has to use a WHM sub to heal if she ever goes as a BLM, as healing people always seems to get you full XP.

Oh well, 4k TNL. One more night of duoing should do the trick, and then I’ll be at Wajaom level, where speed is of the essence, something I do excel at! Maybe I’ll start getting more invites? Who knows!

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