Tuesday 13 March 2007

ZOMFG Teh Trolz r Attking!

Tonight was a chilllllled out kinda night. I've had this cold that I've been unable to shift for awhile, and my parents had come back from holiday coughing and spluttering, so for some reason I was feeling really dopey and out of it. Add a Lemsip into the equation and I couldn't even get out of my chair.

Anyway, when I logged in the maintenance was beginning in five minutes so I jumped to Al Zahbi to log out as a L7 Besieged was coming along. I had bought the Rare/Ex ISP Dart for melee characters to give myself +10 Attack in Besieged and was hoping to see if I'd hit for more than 0. The way I saw it was that if I was able to deal damage with a Staff as a WHM in Besieged (Staff Skill 203), and my Attack score was relatively low, then I surely would be able to hit as a THF (Dagger Skill 174), as my Attack was quite high.

I logged out and continued with making pictures for the website using Foyle's Model Viewer. I found an updated .DAT list for August 2006, but now I need an even more recent one to incorporate Salvage gear and the latest equipment since this month's update.

When I logged back in, there were less than two hundred people in the area, and only twenty-nine people in Al Zahbi. It said the Mamool Ja were attacking, but SE had kindly put the siege on hold to let others log back in. Anyway, it turned out I could hit the Mamool that little bit more often but my damage was still zero. I did manage to SA for around 80 damage though. It was over in seconds, and I received 660XP for my efforts.

After that I stuck my flag up and went to play FFXII. I had just rescued Basch from the Barheim Passage. I played for hours, and no invite, and when I checked there were six people seeking, including me, complete with tank and healer. When I looked at where they were and how I was feeling, I suddenly found myself thinking, "I can't be bothered", and went back to playing FFXII. An hour or so later, they were still seeking. Looking back, I should have tried to put one together but I just couldn't do it.

Anyway, then the Troll Mercenaries invaded, and the lag was the worst I had ever seen. Everything was jerking all over the place but that was probably partly due to my ancient hardware. Unlike the Mamool Ja, Trolls and their minions have nasty AoE and so I died a considerable number of times. I did received 1090XP for it though, so I got the best part of 2k for the day. Not bad for not really hitting anything. I'm now 6k to L56.

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