Monday 12 March 2007

Berry Picking

I was a little bored when I logged in as it was too early to seek, too early to shout for missions, and too early to coordinate Assaults with English-speaking people (had enough of Japanese elitism), so I offered to go get some more BLU spells with Teila. Before I left BBK sent me a /tell saying he’d made me some Dhalmel Steaks, which was awesome, as it turned out several were Wild Steaks, the +1 version! Thanks.

We went over to the Eastern Altepa Desert and pulled a few Goblins to see what the XP was like. It wasn’t good, so we went to find the Diatryma (Greater Bird family). Teila learned Feather Barrier after the very first kill, which was good because there’s very few of them in the Desert.

At this point we went back to Windurst and went AFK for dinner. When we came back, we went over to Yhoator Jungle so that Teila could learn Light of Penance from the Tonberries and Magic Fruit from the Opo-Opo. We pulled Tonberry after Tonberry but couldn’t get the move. In fact, they hardly seemed to do it. After twenty or so Tonberries, Everyone’s Grudge started to hurt, so we crossed our fingers and soon enough, Teila learned the move! Magic Fruit didn’t prove to be quite so hard to obtain but it still took awhile. We came back with BLU spells, plenty of loot, lots of XP and I even got hold of a Rancor Tank, whatever that is.

After that, we tried to shout for ToAU mission 31 again but just like yesterday not a single person was interested so we gave up again. Instead we went back over to the Temple of Uggalepih to see how hard it would be to nab a Tonberry Pursuer for the Lantern required to spawn Sozu Rogberry for the Thief’s Knife. We reset our hate with the Tonberry Priest first, then headed to the secret area of Uggalepih via the Den of Rancor. The Temple was practically empty, save for the odd Iron Maiden or wandering Tonberry, but all of a sudden we saw Bonze Marberry, the NM required to complete Windurst Rank 7.2, wandering around causing havoc with the parties there.

As we’d just reset our hate, we thought “why not” and pulled him. The little bugger was a BLM NM and resisted all of Teila’s Enfeebles so we had to interrupt his spells with weapon skills. We saw Everyone’s Rancor coming, and crossed our fingers. I was positive this was hate-based but certain websites had said it wasn’t and that it would one-shot you regardless. It did ZERO damage to us. We killed him without a scratch and he dropped two Cursed Keys. I’d read previously that these were for a Granite Door lower down in the Temple, but nearby, so I wandered around until I found it. I traded the key, got my cutscene, and returned to Windurst for Rank 8!^^

At least now I know that if any other Windurstian on the Linkshell needs it, it’s totally doable, provided hate is reset first.

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