Tuesday 20 March 2007

Charmed, I'm Sure

I was out most of tonight but when I came home I picked up Teila, and did two more Assaults in Ilrusi Atoll on the Lamia. We had a horrifically hard time, as she was spam-Charming both us and the Fallen Imperials, and we were running out of MP left, right and centre!

Just another 7k to go until I can get the Yigit Turban!

Monday 19 March 2007

Baffled in Bhaflau

When I got home, I got a party invite without my flag up! I couldn’t believe it. I was in Zitah and quickly Warped back, but the party was at four and couldn’t get a healer so we disbanded.

Meanwhile Kellie and Kitty had come across an ultra-rare L60 NM in the Ranguemont Pass called Taisaijin, which drops the Spelunker’s Hat. They were fighting it but died, and Aka was on their way to Raise them. I thought it was high time I put my TH2 to good use, so I OP Warped to the Glacier and entered the Ranguemont Pass. Just as we arrived, a WAR called Brock turned up and started soloing it but his life dropped very quickly. Akashea felt bad and started healing him (even though we technically had the claim, or Kit and Kel did anyway, but I could see why she was healing him) but it was too much for him. We all decided to team up and brought it down. Unfortunately it only dropped a Scroll of Refresh, but we got the title “Bye Bye Taisai” for our efforts.

After that I put my flag up and just as I was about to load up FFXII, I got a party invite from the BRD and NIN who I’d partied with on Friday. They sent me a /tell saying “Hi Kixxi, would you like to party? We have good memories of you from the other night.” I thought that was cool, and instantly agreed. We were soon at four, with a BRD, NIN, THF and a Japanese WHM, and for once we couldn’t get any DD to fill the last slot. Eventually we got a WAR and a SAM to complete the set and headed out into the Bhaflau Thickets to fight the Lesser Colibri and the Aht Urhgan Attercops.

The XP rolled in even quicker than Friday’s party but due to the time, I couldn’t stay for as long as I’d wanted. I hit L58 though, but the SATAing was manic. We were spinning this way and that trying to line up – it was crazy.

Pleased with three levels over a weekend (guess I should shut up about not getting party invites now) I logged a happy bunny.

Sunday 18 March 2007

Pop Idol

This afternoon Teila and I were determined to complete the latest instalment of ToAU so we said we’d shout for as long as it took to get the Periqia fight done. Eventually, after what seemed like an eternity, we managed to get five people for mission 31. All we needed was one more DD, and I wanted to go as six because I’d heard that the mobs’ Enpoison was lethal. I saw Usagy was nearby but he was skilling up his Guard Skill, but he said it was dead easy so we tried as a five.

Inside the map was huge, but after following the corridor ahead, we came across the Lamia, and I Carby-pulled. Unfortunately it all went horribly wrong and three came chasing after me. The BLM used ES Sleepga II but not before I was annihilated. I quickly Reraised up and carried on healing. I think I must have Blinked as next I knew we had won the fight and we were transported out of Periqia and into a cutscene.

After that we finished the latest instalment of ToAU cutscenes and began shouting for Assaults again. We did two very successful runs, although it was a bit touch and go at the start of the first fight when the BST/WAR (our “tank”) decided to melee and got hit incredibly hard and then Charmed. Of course, he was a Galka, so naturally he wanted Taru meat and came thundering after me. Even though I’d asked him to unequip his weapon, he had his big axe drawn and wiped the floor with me. A quick Reraise and a bit of rest and all was OK. I’m now very close to my Yigit Turban.

A quick dinner later and I was ready to head to Pso’Xja for another bash at Tenzen’s Path. Everyone did really well and we went through the dungeon with only one death (me!) and finally we’ve done the last of the L50 cap areas. Just one more L50 cap BCNM and I can stow away my L50 gear for good!

We then did some more cutscenes in Jeuno before hitting Lower Delkfutt’s Tower for the uncapped NM, Disaster Idol. Usagy popped it and we started fighting. This monster does moves corresponding to the element of the day, so as it was Darksday it did Bio III a lot and Sleepga II. Due to the tight corridor, it slept Akashea, and so she couldn’t wake Usagy, who got pummelled and died. We managed to finish it off and get the cutscene afterwards, but it was close. Omni nearly died too. We agreed to finish up the cutscenes in the L60 cap tower during the week.

Saturday 17 March 2007

Coming Along in Leaps and Bounds

With last night’s monumental achievement, I felt no desire to solo or stick my flag up straight away. After I’d done the housework, I went to South Gustaberg to camp Leaping Lizzy, taking BBK’s advice about Wide Scan. Only problem was, everyone was killing the Lizards in the hope to spawn her, so after an hour and a half of frustration, BBK very generously offered to come and help me. He bobbed along (as Tarus do) and within fifteen minutes had spotted and claimed her. I had barely time to pull my daggers out when *KABOOM* he had fried her in a Fire III. The Bounding Boots dropped and I was very happy. Thanks mate!

As a result I was able to finally put my Leaping Boots on sale to fund my Scorpion Harness. Last night Teila had kindly leant me hers to farm in but I don’t like borrowing stuff off people, so I’ve been finding what I could (of stuff I didn’t need) to put on the AH to sell.

I then decided to go to the Valkurm Dunes to camp the Valkurm Emperor, and BBK must have been bored because he offered to come with me for that too. We were there almost two hours and that d**n thing didn’t pop, but I swore I would come back for him. I thanked BBK and Warped back to Whitegate as I’d already agreed to meet Teila for Assaults.

Once I got changed to WHM, we decided to shout for ToAU Mission 31 instead but after half an hour we had no joy. No one seems to want to do this mission. We then began shouting for Assaults, got a second RDM and Zisa the PLD again and had another easy run against the Lamia. Zisa only had one Tag, so we had to shout for another tank to kite the Lamia around but no one would join after around forty-five minutes of shouting. People even started sticking their oar in shouting how we didn’t need a tank – “Just take three RDMs” – which annoyed me because it probably put people off even more. Yeah, three RDMs, and who will take hate in an emergency? I politely disbanded.

After dinner I did Besieged with the Linkshell and got a nice 1k XP for it, which brought my buffer to 4k.

Friday 16 March 2007

On the Level

Teila was most excited that she had seen an unclaimed Jormugund roaming around Uleguerand Range so frantically took pictures of it before getting her ass whooped. She had been trying to get the map but couldn’t get past it to reach the slope where the cave was. Eventually she managed to do it. Fancy a true-sight and true-sneak NM hanging around a bottleneck passage!

Anyway, one of the greatest miracles known to Thieves occurred tonight. I had been playing FFXII for some time with my flag up when I received an invite by a RDM named Boren (who was really nice) to a Wajaom Woodlands party. Everyone was really nice, and I felt quite comfortable playing with them. The best thing was that they knew how to SATA. They actually stood still! We absolutely raked through the Lesser Colibri and I hit a record SATAVB of 786 damage (still can’t break through the 800 barrier – losing too much DEX and AGI to other gear). The miracle was that I received two levels in the evening which is quite a lot in the mid to late fifties. I managed to get L57 – ready to use the Scorpion Harness!

Midway through we had a little line-up change and the NIN and BLM were replaced by a NIN and BRD who came as a pair. They were very friendly but the NIN had a bad habit of moving whenever I used SATA. In the end it worked out OK. We had a SAM Taru who seemed to be doing endless Weapon Skills and added to my double damage bonus against Avian creatures it wasn’t a surprise that we killed so quick. How can anyone want to go back to partying in Cape Terrigan when you have the Wajaom Woodlands and the Bhaflau Thickets outside your door?

Only problem is, the BRD ended up pulling so that I could remain fighting whilst another one was brought in, merit style, so I stopped getting vital skill-ups to my Marksmanship. I need to take some time to skill it up as it is as it’s quite under-levelled. But I couldn’t have been happier to have received two levels on my THF. L60 seems closer and closer!

Thursday 15 March 2007

The Best Luck in the World

Yet again I find myself saying “Uncanny” at how luck can change in this game. Tonight I had nothing but success, and I owe most of it to the Linkshell.

The first thing I did when I logged in was OP Warp to the Meriphitaud Mountains and Chocobo it over to Castle Oztroja for my Rogue’s Culottes. Having had no luck yesterday, I told myself it couldn’t be much worse, and the Coffer points aren’t far apart from one another. I made it to the door with the four switches, disposed of the Yags there, and then let myself in. The Coffer was at the very first junction. I waited for the Yags to turn their backs and popped it to received the THF AF Legs. Just another 6k until I can wear them though.

After that I returned to Windurst to check on FrostMoon. His Discernment had risen to Outstanding and his Receptivity was Impressive. He was in love, so not eating as well as he should have been, but I’m pleased his mental stats aren’t far from maxed out.

I had a quick dinner then Teila told me her party had wiped for a second time. I had nothing to do for awhile before going to Uggalepih, so I offered to come to Mount Zhayolm to spot her a Raise III (I needed to do the map quest anyway), but got myself lost en route as I couldn’t see the narrow tunnel in the north wall so turned into Halvung by mistake. A quick net check showed I was literally next door to where I wanted to be, so I found her party and gave them all Raise IIIs. I felt sorry for them so I went against my principles and stuck around to PL them (yes, PLing a party of L65s LOL), as the Magmatic Erucas were only DC. They hardly dented me with Stoneskin on.

After quite a few skill-ups and after capping my Enhancing Magic, Teila and I left to team up with the others so Teila could get her Carby Mitts. I brought my spawn item too in case it was an easy fight. Luckily Jeanius brought along his tank friend, Kronus again, so Teila was relieved that she didn’t have to come RDM/NIN and came along as BRD instead for Light Carol. We made our way to the Temple of Uggalepih and waited for Akashea to complete the Tonberry hate quest in Norg. We found Wespes whilst we waited in the hope that the Death from Above spawn item might drop so someone could get their Hornetneedle. Quite expectedly, none did.

When Aka returned, we headed through the Temple to the Tonberry Priest and reset hate. We then ran back towards the Jungle and I remembered my Kazham quest, “A Question of Taste”, and asked if they minded that I pop the NM Trompe O’Leill (SP). Everyone was cool with it, so I did and we kicked its stony behind, but the Tonberries nearby took an immediate dislike to BBK and tried to kill him (as Tonberries do), but I got my Key Item: Ripped Paintng and we left.

We made our way back out onto the balcony in Yhoator Jungle and re-entered the Temple where the Toramas are. We killed the Temple Guardian and fought the NM Doll, Manipulator – to which I got the drop, a Hard Shield (no idea if it’s worth owt).

I then traded my Prelate Key to the door and we entered the hard part of the Temple. Everywhere we looked there was either Sight or Magic Aggro and we had to pretty much clear our way through, calling for help on nearly every Tonberry that we fought so as not to raise our hate levels.

Eventually we arrived at the High Priests’ chambers and cleared the room. Teila buffed us with Light Carol and she popped Crimson-Toothed Pawberry. He opened immediately with Searing Light, but we hardly took damage. He did it several more times throughout the battle but no one was in any real danger. She killed it and got her Carbuncle Mitts. A Light Spirit Pact didn’t drop though.

After that we had to wait for the fifteen minute respawn of the ??? BBK kept edging me to pop the NM (which I wanted to) but we couldn’t. We also had to clear the room again, and the first Tonberry Pursuer we killed dropped an ultra rare Flickering Lantern used to pop Sozu Rogberry for the Thief’s’ Knife! I told everyone to cast lots, but they all passed and I ended up with it! I couldn’t believe it.

When the ??? repopped I spawned Crimson-Toothed Pawberry and we fought it again only this time Searing Light hurt us much more and he did it several times. BBK was one-shotted by the last one, but took it well and we gave him a Raise III. I got my Carbuncle Mitts thanks to the Linkshell and Kronus! Again, no Light Spirit Pact dropped.

Wanting to return help, I asked the others what they needed that I could help them with. BBK wanted the Moldavite Earring so I said I’d help him another day, and Jeanius and Kronus both said they wanted Flickering Lanterns too. They could have cast lots with me, so I felt bad.

We then wandered the High Priests’ passageways clearing the Magic Aggro then pulling the Tonberry Pursuers every which way we could, but it was so hard not to get links. I knew this was a hopeless task and that the first Lantern was a miracle as we were fighting them too infrequently with too much hassle in between. By midnight we had found quite a few, but I could tell BBK was nodding off (as was I to be honest) and we called it a day.

Thank you to everyone who came!

Wednesday 14 March 2007

The Worst Luck in the World

OK that’s a lie, there are people who are starving in Africa who don’t have much luck, but problems are relative, right? When I got to work in the morning, my first phone call was an omen of things to come. It was some guy from Scotland angry because some mail for a colleague of mine had been sent to his house by mistake. Now I don’t deal with the public in my role, so I’m not used to members of the public having a rant at me first thing in the morning (and he’d opened the mail to get my number) so it bugged me for awhile. I was then told my job was not moving to Leicester as I’d hoped, instead I’m being merged with a team in London so I was devastated by that. It’s back to job-hunting.

At lunchtime, I went to pull some money out the cash machine to find I was heavily into the red. A quick investigation with the bank revealed that Admiral Insurance had mistakenly taken over six hundred pounds out of my account. I was on the phone to them an hour, within which they admitted they’d screwed up royally, would refund me instantly and pay for any bank charges incurred. That’s great, but now I had to deal with the Inland Revenue (as this happened to happen on the one day I’d sent them a cheque) and the bank to try to explain to them what happened. Did the bank understand, no. I also had no money to last me until the refund came in.

To rub it in, I went to the station to find that today, of all days, I had run out of credit on my Oyster card and had to borrow a couple of quid off a colleague to get home, it was so humiliating.

After doing some chores, I thought I’d log in to take my mind off things (even though I’d been told it had been sorted, I was still a nervous wreck – nothing worse than someone robbing your account of all you have when all your direct debits are due) and the first thing I thought to do is go and find my Coffer in Castle Oztroja for my THF AF Legs. I ran round and round several times but never found it, so Warped back to Whitegate, picked up some more NIN tools, got a new Tactics Pearl and went back for another look. Still no luck, so I Warped again. It wasn’t even behind the Torch Door.

Having given up on the THF AF, I put together a party for the Lamia No. 13 Assault. It was another BRD who joined us (two RDMs would have been perfect, but BRD is fine too), as well as Zisa the PLD, who had come as DRG many times to the Periqia Assaults. We nailed the Lamia no probs for a further 1080 AP then reformed (when the BRD left) with another RDM (took ages to find) and he DC’d five times in the Assault meaning Teila effectively did all the Dispelling. We managed OK but Teila had to Convert under pressure and we just did it within the time limit.

Afterwards I began seeking, but there was nothing but a DRK and three RDMs available, so I took to soloing. I made around 600XP when I died to a bad pull (couldn’t even Flee in time) and lost it all. I then worked it all up again on Wespes in the Temple of Uggalepih, got myself a further 600XP, but on the last mob I had decided to kill before bed, somehow I took hate at the end, and got hit for just under 700 damage from Final Sting and died. So I was back to where I started when I left Whitegate.

Officially one of the crappiest days of the year so far.

I know I’m not alone with party invite problems, but at least BBK seems to be able to solo better-than-party XP, whereas at my current level I can only really solo on EP for fast but low XP, and I still need Yawawa. Plus I can’t equip a Reraise Gorget until L56 so I’m still stuck with the Earring for Raise 1s. My last party was weeks ago in Kuftal Tunnel. I don’t know what to do. I had thought the Linkshell were doing a static to catch me up and perhaps take the pressure off me levelling for CoP but no one’s mentioned it in ages.

Tuesday 13 March 2007

ZOMFG Teh Trolz r Attking!

Tonight was a chilllllled out kinda night. I've had this cold that I've been unable to shift for awhile, and my parents had come back from holiday coughing and spluttering, so for some reason I was feeling really dopey and out of it. Add a Lemsip into the equation and I couldn't even get out of my chair.

Anyway, when I logged in the maintenance was beginning in five minutes so I jumped to Al Zahbi to log out as a L7 Besieged was coming along. I had bought the Rare/Ex ISP Dart for melee characters to give myself +10 Attack in Besieged and was hoping to see if I'd hit for more than 0. The way I saw it was that if I was able to deal damage with a Staff as a WHM in Besieged (Staff Skill 203), and my Attack score was relatively low, then I surely would be able to hit as a THF (Dagger Skill 174), as my Attack was quite high.

I logged out and continued with making pictures for the website using Foyle's Model Viewer. I found an updated .DAT list for August 2006, but now I need an even more recent one to incorporate Salvage gear and the latest equipment since this month's update.

When I logged back in, there were less than two hundred people in the area, and only twenty-nine people in Al Zahbi. It said the Mamool Ja were attacking, but SE had kindly put the siege on hold to let others log back in. Anyway, it turned out I could hit the Mamool that little bit more often but my damage was still zero. I did manage to SA for around 80 damage though. It was over in seconds, and I received 660XP for my efforts.

After that I stuck my flag up and went to play FFXII. I had just rescued Basch from the Barheim Passage. I played for hours, and no invite, and when I checked there were six people seeking, including me, complete with tank and healer. When I looked at where they were and how I was feeling, I suddenly found myself thinking, "I can't be bothered", and went back to playing FFXII. An hour or so later, they were still seeking. Looking back, I should have tried to put one together but I just couldn't do it.

Anyway, then the Troll Mercenaries invaded, and the lag was the worst I had ever seen. Everything was jerking all over the place but that was probably partly due to my ancient hardware. Unlike the Mamool Ja, Trolls and their minions have nasty AoE and so I died a considerable number of times. I did received 1090XP for it though, so I got the best part of 2k for the day. Not bad for not really hitting anything. I'm now 6k to L56.

Monday 12 March 2007

Berry Picking

I was a little bored when I logged in as it was too early to seek, too early to shout for missions, and too early to coordinate Assaults with English-speaking people (had enough of Japanese elitism), so I offered to go get some more BLU spells with Teila. Before I left BBK sent me a /tell saying he’d made me some Dhalmel Steaks, which was awesome, as it turned out several were Wild Steaks, the +1 version! Thanks.

We went over to the Eastern Altepa Desert and pulled a few Goblins to see what the XP was like. It wasn’t good, so we went to find the Diatryma (Greater Bird family). Teila learned Feather Barrier after the very first kill, which was good because there’s very few of them in the Desert.

At this point we went back to Windurst and went AFK for dinner. When we came back, we went over to Yhoator Jungle so that Teila could learn Light of Penance from the Tonberries and Magic Fruit from the Opo-Opo. We pulled Tonberry after Tonberry but couldn’t get the move. In fact, they hardly seemed to do it. After twenty or so Tonberries, Everyone’s Grudge started to hurt, so we crossed our fingers and soon enough, Teila learned the move! Magic Fruit didn’t prove to be quite so hard to obtain but it still took awhile. We came back with BLU spells, plenty of loot, lots of XP and I even got hold of a Rancor Tank, whatever that is.

After that, we tried to shout for ToAU mission 31 again but just like yesterday not a single person was interested so we gave up again. Instead we went back over to the Temple of Uggalepih to see how hard it would be to nab a Tonberry Pursuer for the Lantern required to spawn Sozu Rogberry for the Thief’s Knife. We reset our hate with the Tonberry Priest first, then headed to the secret area of Uggalepih via the Den of Rancor. The Temple was practically empty, save for the odd Iron Maiden or wandering Tonberry, but all of a sudden we saw Bonze Marberry, the NM required to complete Windurst Rank 7.2, wandering around causing havoc with the parties there.

As we’d just reset our hate, we thought “why not” and pulled him. The little bugger was a BLM NM and resisted all of Teila’s Enfeebles so we had to interrupt his spells with weapon skills. We saw Everyone’s Rancor coming, and crossed our fingers. I was positive this was hate-based but certain websites had said it wasn’t and that it would one-shot you regardless. It did ZERO damage to us. We killed him without a scratch and he dropped two Cursed Keys. I’d read previously that these were for a Granite Door lower down in the Temple, but nearby, so I wandered around until I found it. I traded the key, got my cutscene, and returned to Windurst for Rank 8!^^

At least now I know that if any other Windurstian on the Linkshell needs it, it’s totally doable, provided hate is reset first.

Sunday 11 March 2007

Whosatotal Mupkix

I logged in after lunch and began by doing the cutscenes for mission 30 of ToAU. I can’t get over how great ToAU is! Afterwards, I was desperate to do mission 31 (which requires a full party) so Teila and I shouted for a party for around half an hour but when we didn’t get a single ounce of interest we gave up and put together an Assault party for Ilrusi Atoll again.

We did the Lamia one another two times, with just a NIN, a BRD, a RDM (Teila) and me as WHM. Same tactics as before – the NIN kited Lamia No. 13 about, whilst the BRD and Teila Dispelled her minions so that they could fight her. This time we got the NIN to dequip her weapons but she forgot and kicked the BRD’s ass when she got Charmed! They were both really nice and the BRD took it really well. I Raised the BRD and we recovered well. The victory netted us over 1k in AP, and so we went back in again and claimed another win. We’ve decided to burn Tags on this one to get the Turban quickly. I’ve made a promise though that as soon as I find an Assault we can do with two WHMs again, I’ll ask Aka to come with us. Either that or one of us gets another job to L75.

We wanted to do more Assaults but Teila had run out of Tags again so we tried to shout for mission 31 once more. Again, still no response, so after another half an hour, I gave up and logged out to watch X-Files and cook for dinner.

Afterwards, I came back upstairs to prepare for CoP, but at the very last minute Usagy pulled out due to connection issues as he didn’t want to keep DCing behind those doors in Pso’Xja. Omnislasher logged in on time (stop the press!) but logged out again when he found out CoP wasn’t going ahead.

Instead we went to camp Mysticmaker Profblix for BBK’s Moldovite Earring, but after camping him for the full two hours and some, we lost the claim to a solo BLM, who then died, and we lost the claim for the second time to a duo. It was highly embarrassing but was all down to it spawning in the one tiny corner of the huge room that we hadn’t got covered!

Saturday 10 March 2007

Mamool Ja Ja Stinks

I was up early this morning to get some chores done, but was back around lunchtime to get some good gaming done too. Teila and I logged in and went to Xarcabard to get her Hecatomb Wave for her BLU and to get her to L56, so I came along as THF. I still had my ring active, so we raked through the monsters at 40XP a pop (I would have got around 50-60 if Yawawa hadn't been out) and made a couple of k XP. Teila made around 3k as she didn't have her NPC out.

When we had learned the move, we headed back to Whitegate to participate in our first L7 Besieged. The Mamools were just advancing when we arrived and the zone was filling up fast. As usual I was unable to hit anything, even with the new Temporary Items that had been added, but as I'd figured that just trying your best was all you needed to do to get full XP anyway, I waded in, daggers blazing.

Everything was fine until the Hussars came in - the Mamool riding on Wivres, huge beasts that packed a punch. These Hussars used Blazing Angon - a ranged AoE fire attack that was like a cannon. There were huge explosions everywhere and people were dying all over the place. I died around five times, but still ended up with over 1k XP at the end.

Afterwards, I needed a Coffer Key for Castle Oztroja for my THF AF Legs, so Teila and I headed on over and up to the top floor. We had always hated that place, but since we'd become so used to duoing together, we found it very easy this time and slaughtered our way through the Yagudo. Unfortunately, SE must have been watching, and it took us just under three hours of endless fighting to get a Coffer Key to drop, and I also got my second Merit Point. With a cold coming on, I logged for a break.

Later tonight, I logged back in to put together a party for ToAU mission 29, Puppet in Peril in the Jade Sepulcher. I was quite excited as I love the ToAU storyline and hadn't had too much of a problem putting parties together for ToAU, unlike CoP. A party was already at two, and Teila and me both wrote to the guy asking in, but by the time we had written he was at five, and needed a WHM. I wasn't gonna go without Teila, so we had to shout in tandem with him, which was lame, but had to be done. It took us a while, but we made one, and we were only at five, as we couldn't get a tank. One of our party members who had done it before said we didn't need one as there was no hate control in it - the NM picked his targets!

The BCNM was awesome as I had expected. We found Aphmau's Automaton in the clutches of the Mamool Ja, and had to fight Lancelord Gaheel Ja only to watch as... nah, I won't say anymore! We won very easily and came back to Whitegate to carry on, but didn't know quite where to go next, so we left it for tomorrow.

I was thinking of logging out, but Teila had noticed a guy had been shouting for his BRD AF for hours and no one was helping him. Knowing how hard it was, she offered to help and dragged me along. The guy was a little inexperienced and didn't make it clear he had the Vazhl crystal at the start, so we Teleported to Holla and rode to the Rangemont Pass, went out into the Glacier and down into Batallia Downs and into the secret area of The Eldieme Necropolis only to find, as usual, he hadn't done all he needed to do.

I was gonna log, but he was so apologetic that I agreed to stay. I took him back to Jeuno, then came all the way back and we finally popped his NMs, two Skeleton Guardians and some Mummy-sounding Skeleton. With difficulty, the three of us did it, and I logged out straight away, having nearly fallen asleep. He was ever so grateful.

Friday 9 March 2007

Friday 13th

When I got home, I had had such a stressful week at work, it was one of those Friday nights where you just sit down at the PC with a pint, log in, and the whole of Vana'diel makes you smile. No single muppet could ruin your day. Know the feeling?

Teila, Usagy and I ran out into the Wajaom Woodlands to begin the new cutscenes for the update to the ToAU missions and we had to go to the Aydeewa Subterrane. Usagy seemed to know where he was going so we followed him. We got the cutscene no problem but got aggro from a Cave Tiger whilst inside, so had to Escape out.

Afterwards Usagy went to go and do the next BCNM for ToAU, whilst Teila and I put together a party for the Lamia No. 13 Assault in Ilrusi Atoll. We didn't have much trouble putting together a party but we found it was harder than we had envisioned.

Our tank had to kite the Lamia around whilst Teila and the other RDM Dispelled her bodyguards so that they attacked her. I healed when necessary and the DRK kinda ran around doing what she could. It was chaotic but fun. We won with a few minutes to spare.

The second attempt went very well but wiped at the last second due to the RDMs getting Charmed.

Afterwards I put my flag up with THF whilst playing FFXII and got a party relatively quickly (is L55 making a difference?). We were at five and tankless (as usual) and it remained like that for over an hour, so I eventually gave up and went to bed.

Thursday 8 March 2007


Today I got home and headed over to the Eastern Altepa Desert Outpost, and summoned Yawawa. Its times like these that I’m thankful TA works on your NPC. Still, usually SAVB took the hate away again, but my spamming of Bloody and Acid Bolts got my Marksmanship up another four levels by the time I was done.

I spent most of the evening fighting around the Garidav Oasis, where numerous Goblins lurked, but the Poachers were a pain. They’re the RNGs who never run to you to melee; if they had their way they’d fire at you endlessly from afar, so you always have to run to them, risking links.

I had my flag up seeking, but there were three people seeking in my level range (myself included), and only eighteen people online my level range, with only one or two full parties somewhere in the world. Unfortunately, after using my Signal Pearl and my last use of my Tactics Pearl, I had to bring my flag down and enter the Promyvion-Mea to pick up a new one. I ran in and out and got back to the Desert in minutes.

Hours went by and not much changed. The three people seeking went up to four (a BLU I think) and then down to two and pretty much stayed there all night. Neither Paud the MNK or I got an invite all night. I soloed a further three uses of the Tactics Pearl but when my Empress Band wore, things became so slow it was painful.

Meanwhile, Teila hit L62 from soloing as SMN in Ifrit’s Cauldron, which was cool. She’d pretty much soloed since L50, minus one quick party at L60. She tried to go find the Askelloaks (Snowball family) in Uleguerand Range, but couldn’t find the way round the zone without her map, so she gave up and returned to Ifrit’s Cauldron to solo a buffer.

Around four to five hours after I’d began, I took my flag down and headed over to Pso’Xja to help Teila get a couple more BLU spells, but the very second (I kid you not) I arrived in the Glacier, I got a flag-down invite for an excellent party setup in Wajaom Woodlands. All night I’d been seeking, and the second I warp to help someone, I got the invite. I’m a loyal person, so I politely turned them down, but what really took the p!ss was that a few minutes later they wrote to me again, politely begging me to join them as they were at five and a THF would have been perfect.

Hear that? A THF would have been perfect. So would the invite if you had been one minute faster, buddy.

I met up with Teila and we started killing everything in the uncapped tower of Pso’Xja (nearest Xarcabard) and straight away BBK said on the linkshell that he had got a party invite!! Shock horror! The Signet update must have worked! However, he had become so used to soloing that he turned them down – that and it was almost 11pm.

On the second Diremite, Teila learned Filament Hold and on the first Snoll, she learned Cold Wave. It’s funny how you can spend hours trying to get one move for BLU, then another time get two moves in a few minutes.

Afterwards she stayed a bit longer and I hit L55! Finally! I had soloed almost 9k of that level too, so I was really proud. I equipped my new armour, my Jaridah Peti, and looked lovingly upon my new Job Trait, Triple Attack.

Elsewhere, Akashea was helping Artyfowl get his Carbuncle’s Ruby and some weather effects but she had to log as it was too late. He asked on the linkshell where he could find hot weather so I told him to try either the Yuhtunga Jungle, Ifrit’s Cauldron or the Altepa Deserts (before I remembered Ifrit’s Cauldron is a dungeon so it wouldn’t work), and he replied with:

“Dang, I need a WHM!”

Yeah, that’s all we’re good for: driving people from location to location. :)

Wednesday 7 March 2007

The March 2007 Version Update

Was it another thumb-twiddler of an evening? No. The Kia people picked up my car (as the CD player front face won’t remove itself – insurance risk), and then I sat down to play FFXII, whilst every so often going back to my PC to fiddle with the latest Linkshell collage picture. So far Squidy, Hala, Cimba and Usagy have been added, with more still to follow. I’ve yet to meet Voltor so I can’t add him until I know what he looks like!

I didn’t actually know it was the version update tonight, so I was a little annoyed at first that yet again the European players were put out by more maintenance. I was thinking to myself, “I bet if you add up all the hours that the Europeans have had to miss out because of the maintenance timing, it would add up to a few months of gaming”. Just wish they would vary the times so that it wasn’t always our evenings that were taken up.

Anyway, I was very pleased with what I read about the version update on PlayOnline. In fact, I hadn’t been so excited about a version update in a long time. Finally! The Aht Urhgan storyline continues! Maybe we’ll finally get to come face to face with The Dark Rider! I bet this time though, they’ll really start getting harder and harder, until eventually they catch up to CoP difficulty. And the weird this is, for the first time ever, I’m actually up to date with the ToAU missions, so as soon as I begin the next mission, I’ll have no Alla or FFXIclopedia to tell me where I need to go! I could end up at the far end of Arrapago Reef only to find out I have a BCNM to face and have to go all the way back to form a party.

Also quite chuffed about the Signet Update. Not only will this provide a Defence and Evasion Bonus to small parties or solo players, but it will increase XP gained from monsters. It will also mean that TP is no longer lost whilst resting (under Signet effect), so players who used to party in the old areas (remember the long fights?) might be encouraged to come back, meaning BLMs might receive invites again!

Gotta love the new Empress Band upgrade! The Anniversary Ring! +100% XP Bonus, Duration 720min, max XP Bonus 3000XP. Someone tell me how to get it!

Having taken a look on the FFXIclopedia Forum, people have already been scrutinising the .dat files from the update. You can now use an up to date Model Viewer to see the latest gear that they’ve added, which looks like gear that is better than Assault, but not quite Salvage level yet. No one knows how to get it, but rumours are that it’s either been added to each Assault area or it’s only been added as drops from the ultra-rare NMs in the new 100 floor dungeon in Nyzul Isle Assault.

I’m pleased to see that they’ve removed an XP loss from CoP Battlefields. But what does Battlefield mean? I’m assuming this just means BCNM boss fights, like Snoll Tzar and Ouryu, as I can’t imagine dying in Lufaise Meadows and not losing XP. But I guess this does carve in stone the fact that CoP is HARD. The BCNMs are no joke.

…Still downloading...


…Still downloading…

Tuesday 6 March 2007

Fast Food

I was out tonight so just logged in quickly to feed FrostMoon. No changes whatsoever, but he’s making some nice money for me by Digging for Treasure!

Monday 5 March 2007

My Mate, Your Mate, Diremite?

Now that I’d found my memory card for my PS2, I was able to play FFXII, so when I got home I began playing that. Unfortunately I’d already got to L30 on Teila’s American version, so playing it again from scratch was a little boring, but it’s not a bad game. Nowhere as addictive as FFX though. And I can’t imagine any game coming close in greatness to FFXI despite how frustrated I get with it sometimes.

Around 7pm, Teila and I went into Pso’Xja as her BLU needed to learn Filament Hold from Diremites and something from the Snowball mobs, but I can’t remember which one. We were in there for a good hour but nothing was learned.

At 8pm, we returned to Whitegate for Assaults. Teila changed to BRD as usual and was sporting her newly acquired Yigit Gomlek. I was a ridiculous 11AP from mine (it was like being 1xp TNL for a week) and Akashea needed just over 2k for hers.

The first two Assaults on Periqia were relatively straightforward, and we had the usual setup of NIN, BRD, WHMx2 and two melee DD, and after the first one I came out and put my Yigit Gomlek on! Finally, after weeks of carting that stupid Corsair around, it’s all paid off! It was a shame though. The whole set would be nice for my WHM, but on its own, it’s got nothing useful for me. I didn’t level WHM for the end-game stuff, so I’m not bothered if I don’t have the Noble’s Tunic and +500 MND, I just want a nice set of Rare/Ex gear to use for whenever I switch to WHM. However, I think I’ll hold on to my Blessed stuff for a little longer though.

After the second Assault, Teila had to log, but Akashea still needed one more to get her Gomlek. The NIN also disbanded and after twenty minutes of shouting and (really bizarrely) no one responding, we all disbanded. I picked up Akashea again and we started from scratch. Around forty-five minutes later, after people joined and then left we somehow managed to get one last party together (with PLD tank (not too good in this Assault as they are slow killers and need curing a lot)) and we made it through Periqia (just – Aka ran out of MP in the last tunnel) so that she was able to get her armour. To round it off, I also got the top ??? Box item too, the Set of Cleaning Tools for my Mog House.

Finally, no more Seagulls!^^

Sunday 4 March 2007

Poor, Poor, Poor

I wasn’t looking forward to tonight. The CoP Squad (plus help from Teila’s BLU) was due to be doing Tenzen’s Path in Pso’Xja and remembering how tedious it was when we did it last year for Teila made me want to give up right now. My instincts were correct.

Put it like this. It’s a +-shaped dungeon, where you go through sixteen identical rooms, each one containing monsters that have to be killed. Also in between each room is a trapped door, and if you don’t remove the trap carefully, a Gargoyle swoops down to attack. Sounds easy? Guess again.

The mobs in the rooms checked VT to IT, so took some time to kill, especially when there was more than one in each room. The fights were also long, and taking into account resting time and risks of repops and aggro through the walls, it was dangerous. There was also nowhere to Reraise if we died.

Before we went in, I made it clear to the party not to try to go back through any doors, as doing so Warps you out into the Glacier and you have to start all over again.

In the sixth room, I was given the nod to remove the trap on the door. I did so and it opened, but behind the door was a Cryptonberry and a Blubber Eyes (Hecteyes family) which immediately aggroed me when the door opened. I moved inside and we began to fight the Cryptonberry whilst BBK put the Blubber Eyes to sleep.

Seconds later we noticed it was awake and one of the group was fighting it solo. Blubber Eyes are powerful magic users so you can imagine the AoE that was coming from it. We sent after , caps message after caps message, but he wouldn’t disengage, so I can only assume he went AFK whilst on Auto-Attack. As a result we were overwhelmed and wiped. A complete waste of XP as it could have been avoided. In my annoyance I accidentally clicked on Reraise and stupidly stood up in front of the mobs. One more hit and I died again, having to bite a death plus a HP’s worth of XP. Anyone wanna know how long that took to solo?

Once we’d all HP’d, Teila disbanded as she had to go, and we returned to Pso’Xja. We agreed to take it slow, and I made sure everyone was ready before we proceeded through the doors. At the first door, Usagy suggested we kill the Gargoyle, then wait for the door to close before going through, to see if it respawned a second time. After killing it, Omnislasher ran through and we just managed to get him to come back before the door shut. The Gargoyle didn’t respawn but instead Usagy received the message “you fail to activate the trap”. Looking back, that was probably because he was a BLM, and doors and traps are based on INT.

Everything was going smoothly until we got to the room with a Magic Millstone (Magic Pot family). I managed to see it through the wall, so I gave the heads up and we agreed to pull the Gargoyle into the middle of the room to avoid magic aggro. When the Gargoyle popped, Omni ‘Voked it right by the door and cast Flash straight away so the Millstone linked in. Usagy managed to Sleep it, but not before being hit into the red.

We managed to get three rooms from the end, and the sh1t hit the fan. The last three rooms were quite easy (from what I remember when I did it with Teila before) so we were quite relieved it was almost over. I was given the OK to pop the Gargoyle, but luckily my Tools worked and we opened the door without a problem. We moved through, but Akashea was making drinks and got stuck in the room.

Seeing what was coming next, I quickly told the group not to panic, as there was a way round it. They could die and get Tractored through the door. Akashea also warned the party NOT to try to open the door from our side, but what happened? One guy clicked on the door. To our utter, utter disappointment, the next we knew he was standing outside in the Beaucedine Glacier. I lost my temper at that point as was rather rude, for which I apologise, but I couldn’t believe it. I was so bitterly disappointed that we had wasted so much time, XP and money, and now I will have to traverse that bloody dungeon for a fourth time next week.

What made it worse was that the Gargoyle at the door was repopped and wiped out everyone else except Doffo and me, meaning more XP was wasted. Another guy logged out, pretty mad, understandably, and BBK and I were fuming as our XP was soloed, something that takes us a long, long time.

Next week, we’ll be going back into Pso’Xja, but I need all heads screwed on TIGHT. The behaviour tonight was pre-Dunes, not something that should have happened to my LS.

Saturday 3 March 2007


This morning I logged in early and Akashea was already on the Linkshell. I mopped up the last of my CoP 5.3 cutscenes and tried one last time to get the Blackened Siredon from the Phanauet Channel. This time there was a thick mist over the river, and the remains of the Orcish settlement poking through the gloom only added to the eeriness. When we arrived at the Newtpool, I crossed my fingers and noticed that this time, the fish that I had caught’s life bar went down very fast. I knew I had caught something different and this time I was rewarded with a Muddy Siredon! I got off the boat and handed it to the Tonberry Chef NPC (plus 100gil) and he grilled it into a Blackened Siredon for me. Finally! I also took a peak around for the Orctrap, as BBK had been after some Katana for awhile, but I didn’t find it, not even in the hidden cave.

Afterwards I returned to Windurst to check on FrostMoon. His Discernment had risen to “Better Than Average” and his affection had hardly fallen even though I hadn’t visited him in two days. I reregistered his Whistle, and popped over to Whitegate as Akashea had announced that a Besieged was on its way.

I had been reluctant to go to Besieged as I had thought that as a L54 THF, I would get minimal XP but I was pleasantly surprised to see that I received 950 against the Mamool Ja. I had hardly hit them at all, but had remained engaged, either missing or hitting for 0. Somehow, I even ended up with more than BBK and Aka. Aka explained it was probably due to how much was contributed during the event, but then how come when Teila and BBK have been doing nothing but nuking do they seem to get less XP? Teila says she has to use a WHM sub to heal if she ever goes as a BLM, as healing people always seems to get you full XP.

Oh well, 4k TNL. One more night of duoing should do the trick, and then I’ll be at Wajaom level, where speed is of the essence, something I do excel at! Maybe I’ll start getting more invites? Who knows!

Friday 2 March 2007

Barging My Way Down the Channel

I had been off work the last two days, firstly as I had to go to Dorking yesterday to pick up my new car, a Kia Picanto LX (and do some Spring cleaning), and today because I was lazy, so before I got on the train to Nottingham, I tried again to get my Siredon for CoP.

Three more times I took the Barge ride down the Phanauet Channel across the Newtpool, and three more times I heard mysterious banjos playing, almost as if they were duelling with one another. On two occasions my line snapped whilst attempting to reel a fish in, and on the third attempt I got nothing but Phanauet Newts. That wasn’t too bad as they sell for around 3k each. Only problem is they don’t stack.

I gave up and returned to Whitegate, where I headed over to Naja Salaheem to finally get round to giving her the Imp Wing she wanted, and received my promotion to a Private First Class. Still a grunt, but a bigger grunt nonetheless!

In the evening I stuck my flag up as THF whilst taking the Outpost Warp to Kuzotz to duo with Yawawa in the Eastern Altepa Desert. We started on the Goblins at the Outpost, whilst taking on the Manticores whenever they presented themselves. By 11pm I had moved into the Western Altepa Desert but still no party invite and every time I checked, there was sweet FA seeking so I couldn’t make a party if I tried.

I couldn’t complain though. I made 4k in total, and that was with my NPC out. I’ve made less than that in most parties lately, so only 5k to L55 now, whereupon I’ll have Triple Attack and a new piece of Body equipment!