Friday 23 February 2007

Who Wood Have Thought?

It seems miracles do occur! I got to Teila's house earlier than usual so I had some time to play whilst she watched telly. Amazingly, I received a party invite as THF, serving to prove my point that invites come at weekends and late at night only for me, or so it seems.

The party was very friendly, and was one of those /NIN sub parties, where even our healer was casting Utsusemi: Ichi. We went to the Wajaom Woodlands, which was quite tough at L52, and our tank, Detrecaurielle, was getting hit 150-300+ by the Colibri whenever her shadows went down.

Hate went all over the place, as our Healer loved casting Cure IV (the Cure spell with the most hate attached to it) and the RNG kept stealing it with her Job Abilities.

I couldn't SATA as we didn't have a second 'Voker, so I had to make best use as I could of Trick Attack (pretty pointless on its own until L60 when you get the Assassin Job Trait) and careful timing of Sneak Attack to do extra damage.

Things did improve when our BLM left and was replaced by a WAR/NIN (not because I don't like BLMs, but because it allowed me to use SATA and plaster hate on the tank), but at around half midnight, I was getting sleepy and mistook the BLU for the NIN, and SATA'd onto her for over 600 damage, and got her killed. She took it really well, and I couldn't apologise enough, but names aside, they looked almost identical!

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