Sunday 11 February 2007

Prommies Me We'll Never do This Again!

My family and I went out for lunch in a country restaurant today for my mother’s birthday, so I didn’t get home until almost 3pm. By the time I had done the things I needed to do around the house, the sky was getting dark, but when I logged in, I had barely pulled out my axes to solo when I got a Japanese party invite with my WAR in Qufim. When I arrived there, we only fought for around ten minutes before they disbanded, but straight away I got an invite to a second party. This one was English-speaking and because we were stuck at five for a while, Teila agreed to come along as a MNK to make up the numbers.

I haven’t had a party like this in a long, long time. In less than three hours I managed to make three and a half levels with my WAR, a total of six levels since Friday. I wanted to carry on just to see how far I could get but I had an hour until the CoP Squad was planning on hitting Promyvion-Vahzl, so I had to return to Whitegate to mule.

I swapped to SMN and grabbed my Anima and meds for the CoP static. Once we were ready, we headed into Pso’Xja and popped the NM Golem, Nunyunuwi. The rumours about this thing’s Regen weren’t lies. This baby’s life bar wasn’t just increasing; it was going up in chunks! We took it down with relative ease (most likely due to having a merited BLM in the group), but it began spamming Crystal Weapon at low hp and that hurt a little.

I’ve never noticed just how big Pso’Xja really is, most probably because it’s divided into different towers, but tonight it seemed even bigger. We went down an endless elevator and then into a cutscene-only area which seemed to house a lost civilisation of people. It was here we were drawn into Promyvion-Vahzl.

I still can’t make up my mind if I like Prommies or not. They’re weird, and everywhere you look the place is filled with true-sight aggro. Promyvion-Vahzl wasn’t too hard, but everything took so long to kill. We couldn’t help but get aggro at some points, and on the second floor, there was a “tunnel” so narrow, we had to start pulling the big baddies just to try and make room to move. Heroically, Doffo offered to sacrifice himself for the sake of time and aggroed everything. He died, but we made it to the next Memory Receptacle without a scratch.

The NMs on the next two floors were pretty straightforward – we were prepared and we took them down to rescue Tenzen and Louverance. On the fifth and final floor, however, we were all quite tired and Doffo won the lot on a White Memosphere, an ultra-rare drop from a Craver which is used in obtaining the map. He saw the ??? by a group of Empty, and tried to Ninja by them to get it, but a Seether turned and wiped him out. BBK had followed him, thinking he had seen the Memory Flux (where Ulmia was hidden) and followed suit! Usagy bravely ran in to Tractor the two corpses, but got aggro from a bored Weeper, and he too went down. Luckily we managed to recover and moved onto the final Memory Flux, but poor Doffo didn’t get the map.

We wiped on the final boss, as we tried to save 2hrs for an attempt at the BCNM. I swear, this thing had no hp left at all but we just couldn’t kill it. It was spamming Trinary Absorption and draining hp from Omnislasher. Owing to the fact it was half midnight, we agreed to Raise up and take it on using 2hrs.

We walked all over it, then trod on it again for good measure. Ulmia was pretty pleased to see us, but Prishe was still trapped in the Spire. Usagy was confident that we would be able to Warp straight to the fifth floor next time, so we agreed to call it a night and BBK and Usagy started D2ing us.

After we’d disbanded, I headed over to Windurst Woods and – tadaa – FrostMoon had grown into an adolescent with grey tips on his wings and tailfeathers! I had no idea what colour this bird was on its way to becoming, but it was exciting to see it change colour. I dashed to Kamp Kweh with Teila, received a Strength bonus from playing with SwiftWind, then logged out, tired as hell, but feeling generally satisfied with the day’s events.

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