Tuesday 13 February 2007


When I got home at 4pm I logged in and went straight to Kazham. I put my flag up as a L24 WAR/NIN but was surprised when, after half an hour, I had no party invite. Then, when I was about to return to Jeuno, I received and invite for a party at Qufim Island, but I politely declined, as a L24 WAR at 2k TNL wouldn’t do wonders for the xp there. Ten minutes of seeking later, I regretted my decision, thinking that some xp was better than no xp.

In the end, Teila and I decided to team up as WAR and MNK again and we hit Qufim Island with our NPCs and raked through the Ts and VTs to level up faster than almost any party would have! It was a slaughterfest! Once I hit L25, we both headed back to Whitegate so I could cook before preparing to enter Riverne Site #B01.

Akashea, BBK and I had agreed to help Teila get some BLU moves from Cape Riverne, but were reluctant to take on the Bomb Clusters there due to their high level in a capped zone. We did, however, manage to deal with the T and VT Hippogryphs, who, despite many critical hits on Fenrir, were unable to bring him down whilst he enfeebled them all. Teila spammed her moves, Aka kept us alive, and BBK let some mp fly as a BLM. We got some reasonable xp and the move “Jettatura” was learned after four or five Hippogryphs.

Instead of proceeding further to find the Nitro Clusters (to learn “Refuelling”), we headed into the Sacrarium to fight the weaker Stegotaur at the entrance in the hope to learn “Frightful Roar”. These were easier than the Hippogryphs and not once did it inflict Doom on anyone! It was getting late when on the fourth Stegotaur, it did the move and Teila learned it.^^

I logged out at this point, but the others headed back to Whitegate to participate in a L2 Besieged.

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