Monday 19 February 2007

Rumble in the Jungle

We began Assaults earlier today but had two very successful runs, especially our second, which was a new record, mainly down to the fact that Excaliace missed out all three Crab rooms and then took the shorter route to the south. Who cares? Not I! Having now done this approximately fifteen times, I really don’t mind how we do it, as long as we do!

I also got my first ever Merit, which I plan on putting into STR.

After dinner, I put a party together as WAR, with Jeanius as a SAM, but after I tried and tried, I couldn’t get us a healer. I hated doing it, but for the sake of getting going, I asked every single WHM in our level range to come and join us (politely of course) but each one declined. Finally, I had to disband the party.

I soon got another invite though, but we had two SMNs as well as a WHM (which is odd), and as one of the SMNs was down the first hole to Yhoator Jungle, we all followed and, despite our level range being L24-L26), ended up fighting in the Yhoator Jungle.

Although we got 300xp per kill, each fight took what seemed like hours, and drained all our resources. All mages ended up empty after each fight, and the NIN and I ended up using the best part of a stack of Shihei per fight.

There were quite a few parties in Yhoator Jungle, but I did notice at one point a player I will refer to as 'P1' put out a shout for a Raise a couple of times as two of his party were down. I soon forgot about it as we had to concentrate on the eternal struggle known as the Yhoator Mandragora.

A while later, on the verge of death, I noticed P1 come up to our party in person and say (not quoted), “I think it’s really selfish that you won’t allow your WHM to Raise us.”

Now, as our NIN tank died, and with myself in red life, and our mages with no mp, I thought that was downright rude, especially as we were struggling. I was pissed off so I wrote “WTF, can’t you see we’re fighting?” trying to imply: ‘why would we send out our WHM to Raise you when we need him here?’

Seconds later I died too.

Luckily I had Reraise up, and picked myself up off the Jungle floor and sat down to heal. P1 then made another comment about us being selfish.

(Kixxi): Look, no one is telling our WHM what to do. He can go and Raise you now if he likes. There is no need to call us Selfish.
(P1): You know what?
(Kixxi): Yeah?
(P1): You’re a selfish a$$hole.
(Kixxi): ??
(p1): You’re the only one with the problem here.

What had I said? What had I done? I had tried to be polite and say that there was no need to call us selfish as no one was stopping him Raise him!! I mean, it’s harsh when you need a Raise and people don’t come because they want all the monsters for ourselves, but no one had said anything and we were struggling to get through each fight alive!

That made me so mad. I hate people disliking me, let alone insulting me like that, especially when I had attempted to mollify him by saying ‘look dude chill, he can Raise’, as Folkin had implied we had stopped him. If the WHM had secretly told him in a /tell that we had said no, I wouldn’t have gone up to the party and given them abuse, I would have maybe gone up to them and said, “Excuse me but, your WHM says he can’t come and Raise us. Do you mind sparing him a sec?” I would not speak to anyone like that.

We disbanded at that point, and I logged for bed, having made 1.2k in almost three hours.

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