Sunday 28 January 2007

There's Fomor Fomor than I Thought!

I made it to the CoP Static mission by a couple of minutes only, due to my train home from Nottingham being diverted, which took an extra hour. I was also in a foul mood over some family issues which means I wasn’t concentrating as much as I should have been and messed up the run a little, but everyone was really good about it for which I’m really grateful (not to mention sorry).

There was also a little mix-up in our plans. Although the Promathia Static thread had said we’d be key farming, some of the group wanted to do Keremet tonight. Teila had agreed that she would come if it was purely farming (to which people agreed to her coming) but when we arrived, others wanted to do Keremet first in case we got too much hate from Fomor that we wouldn’t even be able to sneak past them. Teila then explained she had no buffer on her SMN and wanted to get a few kills under her belt before taking on Keremet. The group agreed and we began pulling Fomor. The keys dropped instantly, including a rare/ex Aquarius Subligar (which Omni won) so we headed over to Keremet’s Chapel.

Teila still needed some more xp on her buffer so I went to pull a Fomor’s Wyvern. Unfortunately I misjudged the distance and the Fomor Dragoon came round the corner too, followed by a Fomor Warrior. I asked the group to let me die, but being the loyal heroes the Static were, they tried to save me, and we wiped.

Even though Teila had less xp than she started with, she still agreed to stay, and I knew BBK must be fuming considering the difficulty he had been having getting xp on his BLM. Once we’d recovered from Weakened, I went into the Chapel and straight behind the door was a Teratotaur so straight away I got aggro. This time no one joined in, so only I died, but it still meant waiting for another Weakened.

As soon as I was ready to go a third time, Keremet’s bodyguards respawned so we had to take them down again. Doffo ran round to the other side and soloed the six over there whilst we took out the ones in our corridor. Then we were finally ready.

Keremet was hovering over his altar next to several Teratotaur, but I fortunately managed to pull him back to the party without aggro and this time we were ready. We had agreed a Skillchain but no sooner had Doffo used his Pentathrust Keremet moved so I was unable to SATAVB onto Omni to complete the Skillchain but I got it off eventually. After that, I don’t remember much – it was a very hectic fight (everyone spamming everything) but we managed to win without considerable problem. Akashea lotted on the Sealion Crest Key so next week, all we need to do is get the cutscene from the inner sanctum and then defeat Professor Mariselle. After that, one final cutscene and we’re ready to do Chapter Five!

Following the success in the Sacrarium, BBK Escaped us out to Misereaux Coast and we headed back into Lufaise Meadows killing all the Beastmen we could lay our weapons on. Teila and I had recently been told that resetting Fomor hate could only be done by killing Beastmen in front of Fomor (the Fomor watch over the landscape from various lookout posts), but on Omnislasher’s suggestion, we decided to take everything on regardless of Fomor, and when we returned to Resauchamet in the Tavnazian Safehold, he told us that our hate had been reset.

Makes me wonder how anyone discovered that in the first place. I mean, how did anyone know to kill Beastmen to reset hate? Seriously. Or how did anyone know to trade a Giant Scale to an Unstable Displacement to make it Stable in Cape Riverne? Even the most cryptic of puzzles in this game offer some sort of clue, but not these.

After this, I returned to Windurst with Akashea and went to check on my egg. Finally, it hatched! I now have a male chick called FrostMoon, who has all the traits of his mother, SilverStar. I took him for a walk, and straight away he found a lost chick. I learned from Pulonono that the owner’s name began with a "K", and I knew from before that this was the Taru in the Manustery(?) called Kororo. I got the Key Item: Story of a Diligent Chocobo from it.

It was late at this point, and although I wasn’t in any mood to go to sleep, I logged out and went to bed.

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