Sunday 14 January 2007

Beyond Caring

Meh, Diabolos 16, Kixxi 0.

Was kinda strangely calm about it to be honest, probably because it was so expected. But why is there always one jerk in every party?

I asked everyone to arrange a stunning order for Nightmare. First RDM/DRK, second RDM/DRK, then Teila. "ONLY STUN NIGHTMARE" I said, then added "and when it's your turn to Stun, don't do anything else but hover your finger over the macro." Everyone agreed.

We go in and the first RDM opens with a Stun. No need whatsoever. So the second RDM then fires off a Stun. NO NEED! When Nightmare came, Teila fired off her Stun even when it wasn't her turn because the others were screwing around. Unbelievably she got a telling off from one of the RDMs. I spent ages desperately trying to find out why they didn't Stun Nightmare and the second was really apologetic, which was cool, but the first was like "I know what I'm doing, I Stun all the time" yadda yadda and "don't tell me how to do my job" blah blah. She then quit the party.


There's nothing wrong with making a mistake. That happens to everyone, but agreeing to something so decisively then completely ruining hard work despite being reminded over and over not to, then having a go at the party and quitting, is the behaviour of a moron.

And don't get me started on Poison Potions. Why, oh WHY do people not bring them when I insist on it like ten times? They then wonder why they get slept and are unable to Stun Nightmare.

Oh and the best one was that stoopid RDM - she insisted on casting Stoneskin on herself each time even though this negates poison potions when slept. "It's OK, she said, I'll cancel Stoneskin if I get slept" Yeah, like how many seconds of your time will that take?

People on this game drive me mad, they really do.

Oh, and for the record, don't bring a RDM/DRK. This may have worked before last Summer's update, but now Diabolos resists Stun after the sixth or seventh Stun. Our friendly RDM reported that eight of his Stuns were resisted in a row. It's best just to take enough stunners to make a decent stunning order - provided they are competent enough to actually Stun Nightmare, not watching the telly whilst playing.

You're probably all bored of me mentioning Nightmare. Well, you'll see for yourself - this move will destroy an organised party in seconds. No one believes how horrid it is until they experience it:

On the plus side, our CoP run went brilliantly. We absolutely annihilated Ouryu the first time round, and unexpectedly quickly. We even broke the record. Just one more Mission of CoP to go before Chapter 5.

Pulonono in Windurst Woods Stables told me that today she had found the owner of the lost baby Chocobo I had found, but nothing else came of it. Maybe I'll find out some more from further cutscenes, but SilverStar was sleeping peacefully when I got there.

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