Wednesday 31 January 2007

Kamp Kute

I was at my friend's house all night so I only logged in around 11pm to check on FrostMoon before bed time. At the moment, all his stats are still poor (well he's only seven days old!), but at least he's healthy. Just like his mom, he likes clear weather and is ill-tempered, "making him ideal for military use". I got my Key Item: Story of a Youthful Chocobo from a cutscene, and he found me a clump of Tokopekko Wildgrass whilst out walking. SilverStar never found me anything whilst walking, but SwiftWind (FrostMoon's Sire) always used to find Teila items. I guess FrostMoon has inherited his father's good eye!

After a spot of muling I logged back in and met up with Teila and Kellie and they took me to Kamp Kweh. I'd never been before, but I can now safely say that I've rediscovered the definition of cuteness. Watching little FrostMoon waddle about amongst PrincessCrimson (Kellie) and SwiftWind (all of Kamp Kweh is cutscenes and menus) was enough to melt even the hairiest man.

Kellie and Teila set their Chocobo (is the plural of Chocobo "Chocobo", or does it have an "s" on the end, I can't remember LOL) to play with mine and both got a boost to their Strength. I wasn’t sure whether that was a good thing seeing as I am hoping to have FrostMoon become an intelligent Chocobo (even though everything is stacked against him) but it helped their Chocobo so I'm happy. When I let FrostMoon play with theirs, all it said both times was "the older Chocobo is treating the younger one like younger sibling" or words to that effect. That only served to bolster my belief that Chocobo don't get any kind of stat increase as chicks, but your actions and food do help determine its status as an adolescent.

As SwiftWind was a male (and not to mention FrostMoon's father) I wasn't able to check mating compatibility with him, but after checking mating compatibility with PrincessCrimson the colour of the offspring was yellow with white tips (usually means another yellow adult) but both Kellie and I agreed that because a chick is "colourless", that may have meant that the compatibility was influenced (or restricted) by this factor. Then Kellie said:

"Ooh Kix, your Chocobo is ill-tempered. That normally means a black Chocobo!"

It's funny she said that because the FFXIclopedia Forum mentions the same thing, but SilverStar was also ill-tempered and remained yellow throughout. Also, black Chocobo are supposed to be Destrier, but unless SE haven't implemented racial appearances yet, SilverStar looked more like a Courser – the "standard" Chocobo.

When I then selected the option "Call your Chocobo", FrostMoon cheeped and the log read:

"It looks like your Chocobo wants to play with you too!"


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