Friday 5 January 2007

An Austere Appearance

This morning I finally hit 50 and SMN as I knew it changed. Having bought the last piece of Austere's Gear, I now felt complete and powerful! My Summoning Skill has rocketed by 10 points, my Perpetuation Cost has dropped by 1 (means Avatars use 1 less mp per tick to remain out) and my Blood Pact Ability Delay has dropped by 7, meaning I can use my Avatar's powers more frequently. Shiva also learned Double Slap, so I'm now able to do 700 damage for 96mp, with no risk of hate to myself. Neat!

SilverStar became very sick this morning and could hardly move. It's probably my fault; perhaps I shouldn't have made her carry so many packages. I fed her two pieces of Tokopekko Wildgrass and some Gysahl Greens to make it taste better, so I hope she gets better soon.

I also discovered a 3rd clue into the owner of the missing baby Chocobo. The first was that the owner's name began with a "G"; the second was that it was a Mithra; the clue today was that she was an asventurer. I'm still non the wiser though, so I'll have to keep looking.

I also delivered supplies to the Elshimo Uplands (Yhoator Jungle) which will help with Teleporting around when not a WHM. Once I had delivered the package I thought I'd see if the ??? for the Uggalepih Offering had spawned (required to spawn Crimson-Toothed Pawberry for the Carbuncle Mitts), so I made my way into the Den of Rancor and up into the secret area of the Temple of Uggalepih, but it wasn't in any of the four rooms it usually spawns in, and I had no intention of attempting to open doors whilst moving past sight aggro Tonberries to get to the other two rooms, so I gave it up for today.

The CoP static is reforming again and we're looking to start doing our Sunday night Missions again. I've already got myself a decent buffer for my SMN, so I'm going to look to try to cap my Summoning Skill before Sunday in the hope that Garuda can inflict some mean damage on Ouryu!

Anyone seen Omnislasher lately?

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