Saturday 20 January 2007

Playing Things Close to the Chest

For the first time in a while I had some free time tonight, so I decided to get some things done that I had been forgetting about lately.

I headed over to the Crag of Holla and entered the Promyvion to get a new Tactics Pearl for Yawawa, but before long Teila needed some help getting her Treasure Coffer in the Temple of Uggalepih so I teleported over to the Yhoator Jungle and met her inside. We spent some time searching for the Coffer but it wasn't in any of the rooms that were easy to get to, oh no. The Temple Guardian was standing guard to the High Priests' chambers, so Teila warped back to Whitegate and changed to RDM. She OP Warped back and we took on the Guardian. Once we killed it, we slipped inside and lo and behold the Coffer was sitting there. Teila quickly Warped back to Whitegate and changed back to SMN, and luckily the door was still open by the time she got back, so she was able to get her Evoker's Doublet.

Unfortunately, when I was trying to teleport us out, the NM Doll, Maledictor, popped and aggroed my casting. Teila tried to take the hate so I could continue Teleporting, but it killed her in seconds and I ended up Teleporting without her. I had to come back to the Temple and shout for help in the hope that someone could kill the Guardian again. Luckily a NIN was fighting it, so I paid him 10k for his efforts and he cleared the NM out as well. I Raised Teila and we left quickly.

I then finally got round to retiring SilverStar. Watching the cutscene nearly bought a tear to my eye, but I took mine and Teila's Chococards to Jeuno and mated them using the Gourmet Plan. This should mean our chick should be strong and will be more likely to take on SwiftWind's traits as oposed to SilverStar's.

Akashea then offered to help me get my Warm Egg from the Anemones (Malboro Family) in Yhoator Jungle, so I subbed THF and we headed off. I summoned Yawawa and we began mowing them down, but there weren't many around, so it became awkward trying to find them.

Eventually we arrived at the Temple of Uggalepih and saw Bisque-Heeled Sunberry lurking around, so we engaged him (her?) in the hope that Akashea could get her Rancor Handle for the quest "Beastmen Treasure". It dropped but it was quite a long fight. I managed to Steal a lot of Gil from Sunberry, and after we won, we got another load of money too. Yawawa also hit L57!

Unfortunately the Warm Egg didn't drop, but we did discover a mysterious patch of mushrooms near the pond by the Temple, within which sat a Harvesting Point, that disappeared as soon as the rain stopped.

That Jungle and Temple is full of mysteries.

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