Wednesday 17 January 2007

Lost Artifacts

I got back from my job interview a little earlier than I had anticipated so I had a bit of time to kill until BBK’s AF Hat run. I went back to Windy and checked up on SilverStar. As usual, she was restless and itching to race against Best, so I arranged a race. She won by quite a big margin, but I don’t think her stats are going to increase anymore. I’m going to mate her with Teila’s Chocobo, SwiftWind, then retire her. Apparently stats increase the further down through the generations.

I summoned Yawawa at the Rendezvous Point, and for the first time ever she was wearing full Trader’s Gear. Unfortunately at the current cap, you can only lock three of the four body choices (Headgear is separate), so I kept her Body, Hands and Legs.

Akashea said that she had finally reached L95 in Cooking, and needed Royal Jelly to advance to 100. I offered to go with her to Crawlers’ Nest until BBK came online and slaughter our way through the Death Jackets at the entrance. I subbed THF, but in the time we had, we only managed to get two servings of Royal Jelly.

When BBK was ready to go get his BLM Hat, we returned to Whitegate and met with Doffo and Jeanius. Jeanius brought his L75 PLD friend Cayolaf with him, and we headed off to the Toraimarai Canal. Inside, we had to find two ???s so that BBK could get some cutscenes prior to the fight. Fortunately, from levelling up Yawawa in the past, I had obtained a Coffer Key and got the map from the Coffer, so when Akashea told us the coordinates for the second cutscene, I thought we needed to go through the second map to get to the point we needed on the first map. Consequently I forgot the mobs on the second map were Easy Prey and aggroed two Impish Bats. BBK tried to help out but got himself killed before I could get the hate back. It took me all my MP to keep myself alive before the rest of the team found me and saved my hide. Sorry BBK!

The fight itself wasn’t hard at all. It was a Magic Sludge, an Elemental of all elements, but for some reason did nothing but cast low enfeebles, Drain and Aspir. I remembered this thing to spam –ga spells; maybe we got lucky. We wiped the floor, walls and ceiling with it to boot.

It was getting late but Doffo wanted to do some key farming in the Sacrarium for CoP, but I was getting tired. Jeanius asked if we could quickly do his AF fight in Yhoator Jungle, and as we had Teleport-Yhoat, I thought why not.

We made our way up to the Spring near the entrance to the Den of Rancor and Jeanius popped three Sahagin NMs for his fight. No sooner had we begun when a Water Elemental and two Goblins joined in the fight. I switched to the Elemental whilst the others took on the Sahagin and Goblins. I don’t know what happened, but whilst I was casting Protectra and Shellra, everyone’s life was dropping into the yellow and orange. I used Benediction, but before long, Jeanius somehow died from the beating we were receiving. I raised him up, but both Akashea and me ran out of mp. I ran to the Den of Rancor to rest, and the Elemental chased me all the way, but once I’d zoned it it vanished. Luckily the rest of the fight went alright. No more deaths and one by one, the monsters fell, and Jeanius got his item.

Another successful linkshell outing!

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