Tuesday 8 April 2014

The Three Laughs

I was really quite chuffed at the version update yesterday, mainly because they'd just allowed Trust alter-egos to be brought into all CoP battlefields from chapter five onwards. I'd finished Louverance's Path (and most of Tenzen's Path) back in 2012 and had left it there, so I was ready to start Ulmia's Path and do the final Pso'Xja cutscene for Tenzen.

I got to Boneyard Gully and entered the battlefield Head Wind, which used to be capped at L50. This is the one against the Mithran Sin Hunters, Shikaree X, Y and Z. Once inside I went to summon my alter-egos and to my horror I'd misread the update which said that they must be summoned before the battlefield is entered. As I was already in and also 30 levels higher than the fight used to be capped at, I decided to give it a go anyway.

It was surprisingly(?) easy and the only thing that caused a smidgen of a problem (and I use the word 'problem' very loosely), was that the wyvern's healing breath got a bit annoying, so I decided to take that out first. Their skillchains didn't bother me much at all and they soon went down.

Next up was the Snoll Tzar! I hated the very thought of this guy back in the day, so wondered if I still had enough firepower to do this even as a L80, as I couldn't be bothered to farm up the Shu'Meyu Salts (and for anyone thinking I have it easy now, remember on my old account I completed both the Blackened Siredon quest and the Shu'Meyu Salt quests before you could buy them from the AH) and Trust alter-egos don't use Icarus Wings or take meds, or use 1hr moves.

This time I remembered to summon my Trust alter-egos before entering the battlefield. I decided to forego any healing and chose Ajido-Marujido, Tenzen and Zazarg. Truth be told, this was a close call. Heimal Storm finished off Ajido-Marujido, and, of course, he nuked randomly rather than assessing the Snoll's weakness as the real Ajido-Marujido would have done, but the other two were fine. As a PLD, there wasn't much I could add in terms of firepower, and the Snoll got to his biggest form before we managed to do it. I swear the fight lasted longer than 45s though, so they must have done some sort of further nerf. I really thought he was going to use Hyperthermal Combustion.

With that done, I had finally finished the Three Paths, so I triumphantly picked up the next load of cutscenes before heading to Misereaux Coast to fight the Spheroids - Warder Aglaia, Warder Thalia, and Warder Euphrosyne.

These babies weren't hard back in the day (don't think they were supposed to be) and they were even easier today, but I'd forgotten just how far their knockback actually sent you! After a few more cutscenes, I was ready to take on the biotechnological weapons Omega and Ultima, but it was a bit too late to try, so I logged out there.

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