Wednesday 9 April 2014

One to be Sneered

I didn't play for very long today but decided to continue with the Chains of Promathia missions. I'd finished the Three bloody Paths, done the Warders and the necessary cutscenes, so I was ready to do the infamous Airship fight, One to be Feared. Admittedly, I would not have been able to have done this without the latest version update to allow me to bring in Trust alter-egos into the battlefield, but even then, this mission fight was nothing compared to what it used to be, capped at L60.

OK, so I was uncapped at L80, but I was 1/16 on this back in the old days before CoP was nerfed, so I can say, hand on heart, that I've experienced it the way it was meant to be fought, so I'd earned myself this reprieve of doing it the easy way. The Mammets were a joke, and I'm not going to waste time even typing about them, so I'll move straight to Omega. This guy wasn't much of a problem really, with the exception of Pile Pitch, which dropped my HP into the red (5%?) but fortunately reset hate, so one of my Trust companions tanked whilst I healed up. Omega soon went down.

Ultima was harder purely because of Equalizer and Anitmatter, two frequently-used AoE attacks which actually killed one of my Trust NPCs. I was able to get cures off between shots, but maybe I shouldn't have been so quick to sneer at this baby. Trust part member AI is only so good, so word of warning to anyone else who isn't L99:

Equalizer and Antimatter hurt.

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