Friday 25 April 2014


After some serious levelling in Bostaunieux, I decided I'd progress with some missions. For as long as I could remember, I'd been sat on Bastok 6-1, which involved killing to manticore mobs in Western Altepa Desert. Many a time, mobs have seemed easy, but in reality they can be tough even for high level characters, especially if there's more than one. There was a lot of talk on the Wiki about the Western and Eastern Sphinxes, so I was a little nervous about soloing them - but the I remembered I had my Alter-Egos!

These guys were a joke, and I don't know what I was worrying about. Don't think they Silenced or Dispelled or anything remotely nasty and I don't even think I took a real hit! Whilst I was there I continued with Headstone Pilgrimage, and went through the Quicksand Caves to get the Earth gem or whatever it's called.

Next up was the Sanctuary of Zi'Tah. I remember finding it really hard to locate the Headstone in this area, and sure enough I still found it tricky! I spawned Doomed Pilgrims and to my utter shock and horror nearly died before I got my stuff together! This thing hit me for over 200 a pop, whilst I fumbled to tab onto it. I hadn't got Protect or Shell as I needed to engage for Kupipi to cast.

Once I got going I was fine, but Luzaf took a bit of a beating! Can't believe people were doing that at Level 60 back in the day, but I suppose there were more alliances. After that I went to Ordelle's Caves to pick up the Water gem but on my way I met Morbolger! Last time I saw this guy was the night before I transferred to Phoenix Server back in 2008, when Teila, Sirdante and I stayed up until the small hours or so to camp it against competition, but this time he was just wandering round unclaimed. I pulled him and got the Morbolger Vine thing.

Later on it was off to Ifrit's Cauldron for the Fire gem and thought I'd coincide it with the fight against Salamander and Magma for the Bastok Rank mission. Salamander and Magma were piss easy, the only annoying thing was waiting for the flame spout to die down, as it took forever and there were no Ice Clusters in stock.

The Fire gem was always the hardest to get, because of the long trek through Ifrit's Cauldron, having to drop Invis to get past the the flame spouts with Bombs by them, dodging the Ash Dragon etc. Nevertheless, I managed to make it safely out into the Yuhtunga Jungle and spawn the two Opo-Opos at the Headstone. I even remembered to bring a garnet so that I could get the Opo-Opo Necklace. On my way back in, I thought I'd be daring and see if I could do the Ash Dragon, and he left me no choice, as he was staring at me, blocking my route back.

No chance. This guy hit like a truck and as soon as I cast anything, all the Bombs in the room seemed to come bobbing along and added to the fray. I decided to Warp out instead and leave him for another day!

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