Wednesday 30 April 2014

Nail in the Coffin

I was determined to beat The Black Coffin fight in Arrapago Reef today, after that frustrating DC the other day, so I spent the morning levelling in the Oubliette before picking up a few Yagudo Drinks and a Pro-Ether +3. I went to Dvucca Isle Staging Point and ran across the Mire to the Reef and entered the battlefield.

Much easier this time! The Crew hardly dented me, and keeping Gessho alive was the only minor annoyance. The only real issue was the Captain's Vulcan Shot, taking huge chunks out of me, but thanks to the Pro-Ether +3 and Chivalry, I was able to keep up enough MP to Cure myself out of trouble!

After I finished the fight, I did all the cutscenes I could before the "wait for JP midnight" barrier and then went to Al'Taieu to gain access to the Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi. I had to travel around Al'Taieu to find the Rubious Crystals, and touching each one spawned three NM Aerns. These were no problem for me, so I dispatched them easily and was able to enter the Palace.

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