Tuesday 20 July 2010

Tres Fantastique!

Tonight was another amazingly lucky day!

On the way home Teila txt'd me to say that there was emergency maintenance at 6pm for two hours, so I ran through the Aqueducts to where Tres Duendes pops. On the way I killed a few Tauri to see if I could get a Fomor Codex, and one dropped from my fourth Tauri!

When I got to the pop point for Tres, I logged out, hoping that when maintenance was done its window might have reset and there it would be. I couldn't believe it when I logged back in to see Tres Duendes hovering in the room accompanied by Duendes' Amoroso, a Taru BLM Fomor.

I should have gone for the Fomor first. Tres took ages to kill, and halfway through, the Bat Trio rearranged themselves into a vertical column, whereupon it did Train Fall for 300 or so HP. Meanwhile the Fomor was nuking me with tier II -ga spells sapping my life. I couldn't use Bloody Bolts as they were immune, and what good is Perfect Dodge against magic?

Nevertheless, I did it - just - and I couldn't believe my eyes when ALL THREE of Tres Duendes' drops dropped! At this point I had around 100HP left and didn't care if I died but finished off Amoroso very quickly!

After that it was over to the Sacrarium to see if I could pop Lobais for my Swift Belt. I'd never done this before but I'd read you needed max Fomor hate to pop him, and even then it wasn't a garuanteed drop. If you didn't get the drop you had your hate reset too!

I checked the Stale Draft and it said that my heart was pounding, which wasn't good enough. In desperation I decided to pull the nearest Fomor, which happened to be a BLM, and believe it or not, after killing it, I checked the Stale Draft and got the correct message!

I popped Lobais and instantly he put me to sleep. I was out for ages because he couldn't hit me, but then he summoned his Dark Elemental and hit me with his staff for 58 damage. After that it was easy, and I took hardly any damage from Fenrir's Howling Moon. I took more damage from his melee hits than any spells and managed to beat him losing around 500HP.

I got the Swift Belt too!!!

On a total high I went back to Windy and changed to PLD when I Level Sync'd down to L10 with Anuka's Taru BLM, Chinchi. We got quite a bit of XP running around bashing anything we could find, but got a bit too cocky and took on Numbing Norman, an NM Bee. We did quite well, but eventually I couldn't keep up with his hits and I died. Chinchi followed shortly after. We decided to stop there for the night.

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