Sunday 4 May 2008

Birds of a Feather

We had two events scheduled for tonight - an "Assault" style fight in Ghoyu's Reverie against a horde of Yagudo followed by an ENM fight in Monarch Linn against Mammet-800s.

We met in Fort Narugo-Karugo (S) for and couldn't find the entrance to Ghoyu's Reverie, but eventually BBK located the Coloured Door and I led Aka, BBK and Teila into the fight (surprise surprise, same bunch).

A horde of Yagudo had sneaked beneath the Fort to launch a surprise attack from inside, and we had to follow them and intercept before they reached the surface. Inside, we caught up with the Yagudo (there were tonnes) and began the fight.

They dropped like flies as we unleashed hell on them, with even my Banishga IIs taking many out in the process. It was a fun fight but I became concerned at one moment when I took hate from more than I could comfortably manage but Teila threw me a Magic Fruit and I was okay!

After that we got a concluding cutscene to the current mission quests from Windurst and a Rare/Ex Mihgo Mithkabob, a powerful food item.

You can watch the fight here.

We then used our Tavnazian Rings and grabbed food and meds from the Safehold before venturing out into Riverne Site #B01 to take on the Mammets for the ENM quest Uninvited Guests. For every two party members there will be once Mammet 800 to fight, so with four of us, there were two.

On the way up to Monarch Linn there is an Unstable Displacement that requires trading a Dragon Scale (from the Wyverns in Riverne A and B) but fortunately we didn't have to fight them as Aka had one in her Mog.

On the way there, we encountered a half-dead party hanging on by the skin of their teeth and eventually they all wiped despite us asking them if they wanted Raises and us to help them.

They ignored every tell we sent them but out of the kindness of my heart I gave their RDM a Raise so he could Raise the rest of them. He jumped up and began resting so I angrily wrote "You're Welcome" with evil eyes and Teila added "Some people.." with a /fume emote. Not a single one said thanks until eventually one said "Thank You" in Auto-Translate.

A short while on, we had to deal with Wyvern aggro and despite being a naked party (except BBK) we killed it with no deaths when they wiped as a fully equipped six-person party - it gave us some small satisfaction.

Near Monarch Linn, we found a ??? that gave us a Key Item: Rivernewort for a Sandy quest called Spice Girls that can be done once per week for a page of Miratete's Memoirs. We all got this except Aka who unfortunately had forgotten to get the cutscene in Sandy so we agreed to come back another day.

Inside Monarch Linn the ENM was uncapped so this was the first time we'd encountered uncapped Mammets but the guide on the Wiki said a MNK can solo one, so we were quite confident. We were in for a shock.

We locked the Mammets in "sword form" (they change between Lazers-from-their-hands form, Sword, Polearm and Staff (BLM) form, so we locked them in Sword form but this was a mistake for their Weaponskills (Sonic Blade?) did almost 700 damage to Teila and BBK, and their standard hits alone were nearly 200.

In short, we wiped. Looking back, we should have locked them in BLM form (yes, BLM), so Teila could use Hundred Fists and interrupt every spell, whilst I could heal BBK and Aka each time they took a -ga spell, as their spells did less damage than their melee Weaponskills!

Afterwards I returned to Sandy to pick up my reward for handing in the Rivernewort and I received a page of Miratete's Memoirs, which I used on my SMN. This gave my SMN 1249XP, bringing it to the edge of L54.

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