Monday 12 May 2008

A Good Kicking

I seem to recall a year ago that things on the LS had got so tense and upset due to numerous factors that certain people got a bit annoyed with one another and I took a few weeks out from the LS. The last straw was a terrible run in the Phomiuna Aqueducts which was so full of stupid mistakes that it was downright unenjoyable. Tonight was another Subligar run in the Phomiuna Aqueducts and as if the place was cursed, another bad night on the LS.

A certain member of the LS (who will remain anonymous, but many of you may know who) joined the LS and was very friendly but soon became very rude and selfish pestering myself and another LS Sackholder with /tells demanding we do this, that and the other because they wanted something done regardless of the feelings of others. During a recent even run they even lotted on an item they didn’t want just to have something rather than nothing when another LS member needed that item.

In order to reach a peaceful agreement, TheHelpingHand agreed to go on another run tonight but the person in question still wasn’t happy and went on Friday night to get their own Subligar, and succeeded. Obviously not in any rush now, the person said they would join us tonight for a little while. This was fair enough, I guess.

However, forty minutes before the event was scheduled to run, I saw the person shouting for their own party in Whitegate, for which they got four people and took off to the Phomiuna Aqueducts. This upset not only me, but several of the members of the Linkshell too, who expressed that they did not want to go with randoms, for although it might be easier to kill with a larger group, it would mean staying for many, many hours trying to find the correct Fomor and get the correct drops for everyone; besides you never know who you can trust.

So, without asking, the person forms their own party and sets off for the Phomiuna Aqueducts because they could not wait for us. This meant we would be competing for claims against a rival party led by one of our own LS members. I therefore questioned the LS member to which the summary response was “WTF my friends come first”.

It was that line alone which prompted me to then kick the member from the LS. TheHelpingHand is not a Linkshell that promotes such selfishness, and if such friends come first, why not join their LS and not screw us around like that. Kicking this member was welcomed by some but upset others, but to those who wondered why I did it, you have to remember that this wasn’t a long-standing member who had done lots for us, this was a new member who had been nothing but selfish since they joined despite us going out of our way for them since. No thanks, no acknowledgement of such, but plenty of /tells to me and another member saying “I want, I want, I want, when do I get?”. I wouldn’t have the balls to behave like that on a LS I’d been a member of for five years, let alone one I’d been on for two weeks.

Myself and a couple of others had begun dequipping the LS every time this person was on and we should not feel we have to do this on our own LSs. Therefore I just hope that to those who were against my action will come round to understanding.

The run itself, although soured by this, wasn’t too bad. Once we were inside, we looked up on the net where the Fomor we wanted were located in a party of three behind a locked gate deep within the Aqueducts, a RDM, a SAM and a PLD (although we did not know until later Aka wanted the Libra Subligar dropped from BRDs).

We had anticipated wiping to these Fomor (as a link was unavoidable) but whether due to skill, Merits, better gear or what, we managed to survive and get into a nice rhythm of killing the Stegotaur who popped in our camp, and then fighting the Fomor when they popped.

Teila agreed to kite the PLD Fomor whilst we dealt with the other two, but she (expected to and) ended up dying every time, but this allowed one to depop. We felt horrible she had to die each time, but she insisted she didn’t mind. It was a shame that she did not get the Scorpio Subligar she wanted from the RDM as it was all for nothing. BBK, Voltor and Doffo got their Cancer Subligars for SAM, and I got a Pisces one for PLD too. Aka didn’t get her Libra one as we were unfortunately nowhere near the BRD Fomor but we agreed to help next week.

Now some good news – the Anniversary Rings are back with the arrival of the Adventurer Appreciation Campaign 2008. I have posted my stats below:

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