Sunday 29 April 2012

Uncovering Artifacts

I hadn't been able to sleep well last night, so I was up really early to find Cheekee was also awake and on the LS. I took advantage of this (hehe) and asked if she'd help finish off my PLD Gallant Surcoat quest by killing One-Eyed Gwajboj and Thee-Eyed Prozpuz in Davoi. I met at the outpost in Jugner Forest (where I handed in the Norvallen supplies) and choco'd south to Davoi. Cheekee knew where the Village Well was so we cleared the area and I spawned the mobs. They hit hard, but Cheekee took the hate and we fought them together.
When they were dead, I got the key item but before I could finish off the quest, Cheekee asked if I needed another AF. I told her I needed gloves, head and legs, so she asked me to pick one. I knew one was in Beadeaux so I picked that thinking it was the easiest (others were Garlaige and Eldieme). I was wrong! We couldn't find the Treasure Coffer anywhere and none of the Quadav wanted to part with a Coffer Key.
Eventually, after many silences and curses later, we found the Coffer, but not before we'd been MPK'd in the Qulun Dome by a BST who tried to solo Adamantking, aggroing everything in the room, which turned on us the second they killed him. It took a further thirty minutes to get a Coffer Key to drop, and I got my Gallant legs, but couldn't equip them as they were for L58s and I was a L56.

Chinchii then logged on and the two of us went to Garlaige to level up using the Grounds Tome. It took me just over an hour to get from L56 to L60 and Chinchii L50 to L55! Unreal, but it seems the Grounds Tome XP increases the more you do it, a bit like Abyssea kills.
After that, Chinchii went to Jeuno to pick up her next LB quest from Maat so it was ready and I logged out for a bit. When we came back on, we met up with Sirdante to continue with CoP. We went to San d'Oria to do our cutscenes there, before heading out to Jugner Forest (where I did yet another cutscene for my Gallant Surcoat) and zoning into Carpenter's Landing. There we met Guilloud, who threw Overgrown Ivy at us, but with Sirdante it was easy. Still think we could have duo'd it without her, but I guess we'll never know!
We then finished up our cutscenes in San d'Oria (where I also got my final Gallant Surcoat cutscene and the Surcoat itself!!), went back to Bastok to get some cutscenes and finally to Jeuno to finish up the mission.

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