Sunday 15 April 2012

Renewed Vows

Really busy IRL today putting up wardrobe doors (fun!) so didn't log in for very long. Managed to log in early morning to do some CoP cutscenes around the Tavnazian Safehold and outside in the Misereaux Coast as BBK and Aka had offered to help Chinchii, Sirdante and me to do CoP 2-5, Ancient Vows (the Mammets). I remember dying quite a few times back in 2006/7 when I last did this! I remember trying to kite as SMN, or solo as THF etc. Think it took four attempts overall, which considering how long it used to take to get up to Monarch Linn, was a long time! At least with the Airship fight there wasn't a long run from the Safehold. So, with three 99s, a 56 and a 50, I wondered if we would get the record for the shortest fight?!
In the evening we logged in for CoP. The run up was easy: before Chinchii and I had even zoned, Aka had farmed up the Giant Scales needed for the Unstable Displacements, meaning all we had to do was run through. Unfortunately BBK wasn't able to make it, but he didn't need the fight (having completed CoP with me on my old account) but was really looking forward to doing something with the LS. There was no aggro from hippogryphs and the Atomic Clusters seemed to have been shunted to one side allowing us clear passage across Riverne.
The fight was embarassingly easy. We didn't get the record as Chinchii, Sirdante and I were watching the cutscenes, but Aka and Sirdante took one each to solo whilst Chinchii and I duo'd another. They killed theirs in seconds, whilst we took quite a bit longer (and they came over to help) but I hardly took any damage - maybe six points a hit, buffed. Almost felt cheated! After the fight we were dropped off at South Gustaberg and we had to log to finish off some DIY.

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