Saturday 26 April 2008

Taking Evasive Action

First of all today I went to the Eldime Necropolis to see if I could solo a Coffer Key there, but no sooner had I began I regretted it. I still hadn't uncapped Yawawa so she was still L60 and struggled to tank the Undead that lurked there. I was able to handle the Dark Stalkers (Shadow family) but the Tomb Warriors/Mages (Skeleton family) were a different story.

I had stupidly forgotten that I was unable to Drain undead with Bloody Bolts and Skeleton mobs have a nasty habit of Draining life rapidly with their AoE moves (Blood Saber and Black Cloud) so my life was plummeting and other undead began to link in. My Evasion was not holding up against them (due to being so low) and eventually Yawawa died, and I, Paralysed by their Ice Spikes, could not get my shadows back up and died too.

Eventually they moved away from my body and I was able to Reraise up, whack on Perfect Dodge as they started to run towards me and I quickly used my Olduum Ring to get out of there, feeling very sorry for myself.

Disheartened with how slow my THF was progressing lately, and frustrated with how low my Evasion was (218 at L71; cap at L75 is 276), I decided to opt for a complete change and go back to DNC. DNC is one of those amazing jobs which is simply brilliant as a sub too. It would be perfect for trying to skill up Evasion for as long as you can hit the mob you're soloing you can keep yourself alive, unlike /WHM sub where you will eventually run out of MP and can be interrupted.

I had forgotten how quick it was to solo at low level and saw the Level Up message on quite a few occasions during the afternoon!

Eventually Teila came out to join me as her SCH and we began going through harder mobs at a much quicker pace. We stopped at L10 once she got access to her Light and Dark Arts.

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