Tuesday 29 April 2008

Better the Demon You Know

Today was the final fight in the Koblakiq series of quests. We had to return to Castle Zvahl-Baileys and confront Marquis Andrealphus (DRK Demon NM) and his four servants (2x THF Demon Bannerets and 2x BLM Demon Secretaries).

This fight is unique in that at 66% and 33% Marquis Andrealphus "Escapes" the person who has hate out to Xarcabard (just in front of the Castle) unless you solo it, whereupon it has no effect. So Teila and I decided to cheat! We disbanded from each other and I stood back to heal her and then afterwards I returned to Whitegate, swapped to THF and came back and she healed me.

To be honest, we didn't need much curing, as the fight wasn't hard, but the fact there were five mobs ganging up on us meant our shadows were down most of the time, and being Dark-based mobs, it was hard to Drain them using Bloody Bolts.

You can watch my fight here.

After that it was off to Grauberg to help Teila obtain a Red Oven Mitt from the Quadav running about just north of the Guntower. This took forever as the Quadav just didn't want to play ball.

The net was a bit vague as to what mobs dropped the Red Oven Mitt, but it said confirmed drops were from Onyx and Copper Quadav, but to make sure we pulled all the Quadav we could find. What bothered me was that these Quadav checked as EP- but I could hardly dent them alone. That's WotG mobs for you!

Eventually, just when we said "right last one!" we got the drop and I was able to return to Windy Waters (S). After a long chat with Teila, she had convinced me to push on with THF saying that as soon as I got L72 I would feel relieved.

So I went into Campaign and ended up 10k to L72, which felt satisfying.

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