Monday 25 December 2006

Tis the Season!


I told myself that I wouldn't play today - that all day would be spent with the family. Well, I woke up around 10am (having been up til nearly 3am last night for Diabolos) and went downstairs for breakfast. Felt very unwell; dunno whether it was cold or symptoms of flu, but I ached all over and had a very dizzy head.

After breakfast I opened presents with my family by the tree, but for the first time in my life, I fell asleep whilst the fun was going on - I was so out of it. I got some very nice gifts from them and Teila's family too, which was cool.

I had begun to feel better by lunchtime, so we sat down for our roast; Mum as usual, had made too much. Afterwards, I spent the next hour or so being sick, but I think it had more to do with my illness than overeating.

As the late afternoon came around, my brother went to see his girlfriend and my parents dozed off on the couch (as parents seem to do), I couldn't resist any longer, and I logged in.

Surprisingly, I got an invite as a SMN very quickly and made my way to Jeuno for a very nice party. People seemed to be extra nice because of Christmas, so it made it all the more enjoyable.

We moved to the Quicksand Caves where I shared healing duties with the RDM. Everyone was 45 except the PLD who was 43 so what started out as organised buffing with my summons, turned into a manic spam-cure-fest. I was very impressed with Fenrir. Being able to up everyone's stats by around 5, plus being able to reduce the monsters' Accuracy and Evasion really helped. Then finally, I hit 46 and the long-awaited Earthen Ward was mine!

I then found myself with too many buffs to choose from. Aerial Armour? Earthen Ward? Ecliptic Growl? Shining Ruby? I had to pick and choose depending on the moment, but it was fun. We finished when I was 2k to 47, whereupon I would have Spring Water! Getting ever-closer to the big Five-Oh.

After the party disbanded, believe it or not there was a Besieged with the Mamools. BBK, Teila and I teamed up with Tigrus from our last CoP run and hit Al Zahbi where there were 204/705 people in the area for Besieged!

When the Mamools invaded we noticed we had only one general, Mihli the Mithra, which made it all the more hopeless. Within minutes the lizardmen had breached the Hall of Binding and Fleetfingered Mobel-Ja stole the Astral Candescence!

Oh well, I'll leave it to the Japanese to steal it back from Mamook.

Off to watch The Man with the Golden Gun now.

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