Wednesday 27 December 2006

At My Wits' End

This evening I put together my fourth party for Diabolos and I can now confirm I am 0/10 on this FRUSTRATING BCNM. Teila and me picked up our regular DRK, Renzoukan, and we found Selendrile again.

At the time we got 6, it became Lightsday, so we got all excited thinking, "cool, we have three Stunners and it's Lightsday", but then our MNK hot-foots it to Jeuno saying he needs the key item from Windurst. He warped to Jeuno and waited in Port for ages before getting on the boat. I asked him three times if he had Poison Potions, to which he didn't respond.

Towards the end of Lightsday he returned and we Teleported to Xarcabard but when we entered Pso'Xja, he said "OMG" and Warped straight back to Whitegate. He had a BLM sub on.

From Whitegate he went to Bastok to change, then OP Warped back to the Glacier, but not before keeping us waiting for ages. We send message after message asking him if he knew his way through or could we go ahead but he didn't respond. In the end I sent him a and he sent back in capitals, "MNK75/BLM37 NO THANKS " and at this point we all baffled at what he was up to.

He eventually turned up and we made it through Pso'Xja and entered the BCNM, but what happened? Half the party didn't use Poison Potions and so whenever Diabolos cast Sleepga II I had to keep using Curagas and my MP went down like hell. Because the melee kept going to sleep, no one could Stun and within seconds Nightmare killed half the party. The MNK didn't use Hundred Fists as asked and instead ran round the BCNM like a loon. Diabolos then wandered over to me and cast Dispelga (taking of RR) before killing me.

I had to HP, losing nearly 4k to come back to Raise the party, before the MNK Warps out and disbands without a word. He had purely come to ruin it.

2.5hrs of preparation and arguing for a 2 second fight, makes you wonder why I bother...

So then we discussed tactics for a further 15mins whilst Weakness wore, and went back in. Ren's plan involved the other DRK, Cuth, using Last Resort and Guillotine to get the hate, so that he could SATA Spiral Hell onto the PLD and Teila could MB with Blizzaga III.

We went back in and Cuth did his part, but before I'd even moved onto my tile and finished casting a Cure spell, Cuth went down so we were at four before we'd even begun. He'd managed to get his part of the Skillchain off so Renzoukan did his part and Teila MB'd and Diabolos's HP dropped to half. I Raised Cuth, but a Stun got missed and, well, you know the rest...

Teila tried to nuke him to death whilst I cured her, but one hit plus one Camisado (over 500 damage) and Teila went down. Funnily enough, along came a Dispelga and I went down.

After the fight, Teila's Reraise was still up so she Raised up and changed jobs, before coming all the way back to Raise me so I could Raise III the others.

3hrs of wasted time, and almost 5k of XP down the tube.

Diabolos 10, Kixxi 0...

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