Wednesday 20 December 2006

Eye of Nept

My RL friend I was supposed to visit tonight cancelled on me so I had another night free for the game!

This evening was spent pretty much tying up loose ends - namely getting Teila her Evoker's Ring. She needed a drop from Ifrit and Leviathan, and then she was done, so we headed over to Kazham and then Norg to get the Tuning Forks.

Ifrit's Cauldron was devoid of adventurers as usual, so we made our way down into the crater of the volcano and into the Cloister of Flames. We just missed Watersday by a second or two, but the fight with Ifrit Prime went nice and smoothly, only taking around 200 damage from his 2hr, Inferno.

Then we headed over to the Temple of Uggalepih and decided to grab a Paintbrush of Souls each (key item required to enter the Den of Rancor beneath the temple). We found the Tonberry Priest and reset our hate, called Yawawa and Beatrice before slaughtering every Tonberry that got in our way until 2 keys dropped - well actually it was more of a case of our NPCs AoE WSing everything in sight, including Opo-Opos and Wespes, but hey, it was a blast!

We then considered fighting Death from Above so that Teila could get her Hornetneedle, but considering the fact that it hits at around the speed of Hundred Fists and Teila only had 99 Shihei on her, we decided against it. I suggested spawning the Carby Mitts Tonberry but neither of us knew what the required spawn item was, and we were too lazy to look it up.

Winding our way deeper into the Temple, we found the library and used our keys to get in. Searching amongst the books, we found a rusty key to open the casket containing the key item: Paintbrush of Souls. I was pretty chuffed as I needed this for ZM4 so now I feel I can continue with Zilart as and when!

After the library, we tried spawning Trompe o' Leill, the NM Golem for the Angelica quest, but we'd forgot to actually pick up the paintings from Kazham, so we moved on.

We then went to the gallery in the Temple and I used my Paintbrush on the blank canvas and the door to the Den of Rancor opened. I hate that place. Dropping down to where the Doomed and Pugils were, things rated VT++, scary.

Inside we found the Cloister of Tides and took on Leviathan Prime. Unlike Garuda Prime, he kindly refrained from spamming his healing move, Spring Water, instead using Grand Fall over and over, but it wasn't too bad. Again his 2hr did little more than 200 damage.

Teila then returned to Norg to pick up her Eye of Nept from defeating Leviathan, and then that awesome L72 SMN's ring, whilst I went back to Whitegate to begin shouting for Diabolos Prime again.

It was a bit of a joke. With Besieged at 4-5, and our BLM logging without a word, we remained at 3 for almost an hour, before I gave up and went to bed. Oh well, Diabolos will have to wait.

But I will get him!!! I will!

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