Friday 15 December 2006

Summoned to the Caves

Hey everyone!

Welcome to my blog! The T-Files chronicles the adventures of Kixxi the Tarutaru on the Unicorn server with his Linkshell, TheHelpingHand. I wanted to keep a little diary of the stuff I get up to in Vana'diel, so one day I can look back and say "did I really do that?"

I've been playing since 2nd March 2005, but this blog begins on 15th December 2006.

Yesterday started off really badly when I changed to SMN and paid the Taru in Whitegate to warp to Windy. Once there, I used the Outpost Warp facility to jump straight to the Beaucedine Glacier, but the moment I got there I was being pummelled by a Goblin and its pesky tiger pet! I didn't even have a chance to move, or to summon, or to even call Yawawa for help, so I dropped to the floor in a matter of seconds!

As fortune had it, a Japanese PLD ran past and offered me a Raise! I couldn't believe my luck! The Glacier is always empty except for end-gamers looking to do Dynamis. So I raised up, summoned Yawawa, and hid until Weakened wore off.

Funny thing was, the moment I began taking on DC+ Bat Eyes (90xp-ish with the Empress Band active!), I got a party invite in the Western Altepa Desert! They must have just lost their WHM, I thought. Anyway, I ran back to the OP and teleported back to Windy, then teleported off to the Eastern Altepa Desert, where I legged it post haste to Revelation Rock in the Western Altepa Desert.

I was asked to main heal but I didn't mind - hey, after all it was in my search comment! I was so desperate for xp so that I could reach 50 by the weekend for the CoP Wyrm fight that I would have pulled if they wanted me to!

Anyway, as luck would have it, after three fights, the DCs began, to be followed by the "I gotta go"s, but the leader was not having it, and got together another party, whereby we headed off to the Quicksand Caves to continue levelling.

We had the setup of NIN, DRK, RDM, WHM, THF and SMN, but the fights went on forever, as we were only 43-44 and the RDM either didn't have Dispel or kept forgetting to use it on the Helm Beetles.

Luckily, I had a SMN's dream job of DDing, but I tried to play it properly, buffing the melee with Shining Ruby (adds +30 defence and magic defence - stacks with Protect and Shell) and Aerial Armour when possible, but also trying to MB with Shiva or Ramuh where possible, as Beetles are weak to Ice and Lightning.

Although slow, the XP was amazing, and I soon approached L45. On the last monster, I used Astral Flow, and with Ramuh's 2hr, Judgement Bolt, I MB'd off a skillchain for almost 900 damage! My mp dropped to 0, but a quick level up a second later, and back up it went. The THF quickly went to pull another Beetle, and *boom*, another Judgement Bolt went off! Ramuh ended up tanking that one for a little while, but it was fun. Unfortunately, I didn't get to use the 3rd one.

Soon after, people began getting tired, and concentration fell. Our NIN fell asleep twice, but agreed to hold on until the THF levelled. Thing is, an asleep tank may aswell be a non-existent tank, and 2 wipes later, we agreed to disband.

79 into my level, I headed over to Whitegate for Besieged. It was the usual crew of Akashea, Bigboykoala, Jeanius, Teila and me, versus the Undead Swarm.

"Hey, BBK, look out!" I warned as Medusa crept up behind him.

"Watch out!"


"Ty, Kix."

BBK has officially won the award for most deaths in a Besieged, all competition vanquished!

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