Sunday 24 December 2006


This evening I decided to have another go at Diabolos Prime and within moments of shouting, I had a full party together. Teila was with me, and Renzoukan joined up again from our first attempt. Selendrile, a Mithra Samurai, who had joined the other night on my second attempt to put a party together, also came along, so there were some familiar faces.

We fought Diabolos three times, and lost on each one, so I am now officially 0/8 on this guy, my worst record so far. And yes, before you ask, Nightmare was the bane of our life... again!

Have you ever wanted to throttle someone in this game for totally messing up some really hard work? We spent shedloads on Hi-Ethers, Vile Elixirs, Poison Potions, etc and one person lets you down, three times, when we were within one nuke of winning each time.

On, the plus side, the SAM and the DRK set up an amazing Light Skillchain. The SAM meditated to 300%TP and opened the fight with Tachi: Kasha, to which the DRK replied with Spinning Slash. These both did around 800 damage with a Light Skillchain, and the BLM MB'd with Thundaga III for further incredible damage. I kid you not, each time that took off 2/3 of his lifebar, so Diabolos responded with his 2hr, Ruinous Omen, reducing all our HP to red and orange.

So in future, I'm gonna recommend a Light Skillchain for sure!

Diabolos 8, Kixxi 0....

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