Friday 1 June 2012

No NMies

Had the day off work today so as I was up early to feed the dog, I thought I'd stay up and do some gaming. I decided to go over to the Phomiuna Aqueducts and look for Tres Duendes, as I love that NM, and wanted to get the drops again, as I did back in 2010 with my old account. He wasn't up, neither was Eba, but I did find Matisha, the slow-hitting Taurus NM.
Unfortunately I didn't get the drop (Sinister Mask) so I left the Aqueducts to try my luck at the NMs in Riverne Site #A01. No sign of the Hippogryph NM and no sign of the ??? needed for the pop item for the Flytrap NM, so I headed out further to see if Carmine Dobsonfly was there. No joy there either, and same with the Wyvern NM. Not a very productive day for NM hunting.
Before leaving I picked up some Rivernewort for that Sandy quest to get the Miratete's Memoirs key item and headed over to the bell to begin the quest, Confessions of a Bellmaker. This took some time, as I had to go to Sandy and Bastok before coming back here to fight the Phantasm. Interesting quest though. I fought him easily and got my Minstrel's Dagger for the BRD job I'm unlikely to play!

After that Chinchii logged on so we went to the Tahrongi Canyon to level up our DRG and SAM, but didn't play for too long before having to log out to do RL stuffs.

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