Sunday 13 July 2008

A Pin in the Ass

Next Saturday Teila, BBK and I are moving to Phoenix so in return for me choosing to move us to a busier Teila asked me to help her camp the Valkurm Emperor and Leaping Lizzy before we went.

We started with the Valkurm Emperor and the second I turned up in the Dunes and popped up Widescan, VE was already up so I hit Flee and legged it. Unfortunately, there was already a THF there, daggers drawn so there was nothing I could do. He killed it with ease and I said {Congratulations!} but he didn't respond. I'm guessing he got the drop because he Warped and then was logged out five minutes later.

This meant that whatever the minimum pop time was until next spawn, we had to wait it out, but we decided to kill PHs anyway. BBK, obsessed with camping, came over to help, but being a Saturday (and therefore busier), there were randoms running around making it sometimes hard to determine the PH.

Eventually BBK had to go, but his son, who also plays, took over his character and between us we carried on killing PHs. Precisely 1hr and 10mins later, I saw a shadow appear over my Taru and as I spun the camera round there was VE, hovering above my head.

I got the claim and got the drop, so that makes me 2/2 on VE, not bad considering how low some people say the drop rate is. Teila was so chuffed!

Next we tried Leaping Lizzy and this one was harder. Looking at the Wiki it seemed there were two groups of five Rock Lizards near the top of Widescan (ignoring the couple of Rock Lizards right at the top), and that the PH was the bottom of the first group of five. Problem was, this was South Gustaberg on a Saturday and not only were there plenty of others camping, but there were lots of people levelling too.

Anyway, somehow we managed to get on top of the PH in the top group, but to make sure, we also killed the Lizard in the bottom group too, in case that was also a PH.

An hour or so later, Leaping Lizzy appears on Widescan and off I dash, getting the claim. She dropped in one Acid Bolt, but no drop. This continued for several hours, and I'm positive on one occasion we spawned her from taking out the Lizard in the bottom group too, meaning to me that there are two PHs for LL. After four claims, we got no drop and gave up for the day.

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