Monday 4 April 2016


Yes I still play, and have done, on and off over the last two years since I last updated the blog.

Sadly, however, I've had several major computer crashes over that time too, and the end result is that I've lost a lot of FFXI images which I use as the basis for my reminders about what I've achieved, which means that unless I can find them on one of my backups somewhere, I don't even know if I can retrospectively add blog posts from the last two years.

In that time, Rhapsodies of Vana'diel (RoV) has been the biggest change - it's allowed us to use more Trusts when adventuring, increased things like XP gain, or reduced cooldowns on instances or key items which are required to partake in certain activities. I've progressed to the start of Chapter III of RoV, but I'm still sub-par in terms of gear, merits, job points and gifts, so I've got a long way to go to catch up to allow me to progress to the end of RoV solo. I don't really want to PUG these days, mainly because I don't have time, and I never see any of the old crew on the LS, which is a shame.

When I first started FFXI I was in my mid twenties, living at home with my parents, in a simple job which gave me lots of free time. Now, 11 years later, I'm in my mid thirties, married with a child, living in my own house, in a fantastic but demanding job, so my playing time now is extremely limited. If I get more than half an hour a day it's good!

So blog posts may be less frequent, or, contain less, but I'll keep playing FFXI until the servers go down.