Sunday 8 July 2012

Mission Twin-Possible

Had a lot planned today mission-wise, so began in the morning by trying to get my Paintbrush of Souls from the Temple of Uggalepih. Being L75, the Tonberries in the first part of the temple didn't aggro but due to the tight corridors, pulling one means pulling all.
All the other Tonberries kept on joining in so I spent more time killing off the aggro than I did fighting the Tonberry Cutters to get the key to the "study" where the Paintbrush sat.

Eventually it dropped and I ran to obtain it, noticing several Wespes by the large room where Trompe L'Oeil lies, so I decided to try to get the pop item for Death from Above.

Two hours later and no drop so I gave up and met up with Teila and Sirdante for Promyvion-Vahzl. We met up in Pso'Xja and fought past Nunyunuwi, the Golem with huge Regen, but it went down in second with the three of us wailing on it.

I'm convinced that they've removed dud portals in the Prommies now. I'm pretty sure we got to the top and killed all bosses within 30mins. We found Tenzen, Louverance and Ulmia very quickly and even had time to try to farm up pop items for the map, but no joy.
The three bosses at the end used to be easier than one single Prommy boss back in the day, so between three of us, it was even easier. I soloed the Dem one, and Sirdante and Teila took the other two. Being L99 then killed theirs quicker so helped finish mine off but I don't think anyone really took any noticeable damage.

After that it was back to the Temple of Uggalepih where we met with Cheekee, pulled our Unlit Lanterns out of our Mogs (love the feature which lets you do that in the field) and ran through the temple to the Temple Guardian.

We killed that nice and quickly, ran inside and the others went about killing Tonberries in the painting room whilst I tried to unlock the hidden door. I honestly don't know how people figured this out before the guide was written. Eventually I got the secret door to work and we ran through to the Den of Rancor.
I seem to remember this being a very long trip back in the day, but it was short as anything. We ran round to the right to light our Lanterns, before running back to the first room, heading south and dropping down the hole. A quick run north and we were at the door to the Sacrificial Chamber.

Cheekee logged out behind the door so she could do the Shantotto final fight later, whilst the rest of us continued in and entered the ZM4 fight. Last time I did this, BBK had forgotten to reset his hate and got one-shotted by Everyone's Rancor. Fortunately we'd all reset our hate so no danger of that. It was a very easy fight and we won in a couple of minutes. I logged there for the day.

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