Thursday 19 June 2008

A Merit to the Force

With six uses of the Anniversary Ring left, I went to Caedarva Mire again to duo on Heraldic Imps with Teila. For the second time running, the first camp (right outside the zone to the Alzadaal Undersea Ruins) was empty meaning we didn’t have to do the death run across the field of Soulflayers. Anyone who was reading my blog from around September/October 2007 will know what I mean when I say how deadly this place is.

I was talking to Seshamaru whilst we duo’d them, and I told him that I was aiming to get 20k in one and a half hours and he laughed, saying “good luck”. I reminded him that I was an Incredibly Tough Taru and lo and behold, I managed to make 15k in around the same time, so that’s one and a half Merits for me. Just need another two and a half and I can max out my Critical Hit ratio. Add that to the Heart Snatcher and that’s an extra 10% chance of critting, and if I ever get the Pahluwan body, that’s another 10%. 20% extra crit chance plus a THF’s natural high DEX makes for a very very high crit chance!

In other news, the latest episode of Limit Break Radio was aired yesterday, and featured Sesh, who was there to talk about Vana’diel Profiles. The episode was recorded around a month ago, so it was just before we began to get big, but thanks to his appearance now on both PFA and LBR, plus the interview with Aniero, the floodgates have opened and we’re getting tonnes of new members every day. More members means more admin for the site, so Sesh has taken on board Dualmikauzero as a new admin. Aniero gave Sesh so much praise about how good the site was, and Sesh sold it so well too, so I’m hoping this is enough to make the launch of our Podcast a success.

It better be anyway! We’ve gone to a lot of trouble to arrange the launch show to feature Aniero and Kallo from LBR and Steak and Fusionx from PFA, so it should be an amazing pilot. Having spent hours on Skype discussing the name and content layout for the show, we’re all but ready to go, but we need to spend a bit more time organising the Level Down (Podcast name) page so that it is ready to accompany the launch.

I’ll keep you posted, but for the latest information, sign up and create a profile at Vana’diel Profiles – I’ll add you to my friend list.^^ So far, BBK, Teila and I are there from THH.

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