Sunday 22 June 2008

A Broken Heart

Today we returned to Cape Terrigan and entered through the northern tunnel to XP our NPCs, and to continue breaking the latent on my Heart Snatcher.

We experienced many strange DC problems today, which had happened a couple of times recently, but not as much as today. It starts with a R0 and a “time out” error, which ejects you to the title screen (all the while your internet connection is fine), but as soon as you log in again, you will DC a second time without an R0 from the packet meter and this will take you out onto the desktop; again your internet connection will be fine. Lots of people are experiencing this and forums are saying this “double DC” has only been happening since May.

Nevertheless, there were no untimely deaths from this and the day was really successful. I got around 8 full levels of Evasion skill and after suddenly noticing huge damage from a WS, I realised I had finally broken the latent on my Heart Snatcher (wooooohooooo!) and I was able to confirm it by noticing the damage was the same as my offhand damage, as opposed to half.

Upon my return from Cape Terrigan, I went to Whitegate and decided to scrap the idea of an Attack and Store: TP build, and focus on a Haste build after all, so I bought a thousand Imperial Bronze Pieces and donated them to the chap in Al Zahbi for my Walahra Turban, and dusted off my Rapparee Harness. The main point of the Turban is the +5% Haste, and the focus of the Harness is the +4% Haste, so +9% isn’t bad. I now need to get hold of a Swift Belt from the Sacrarium, for a further +4%. Another plus is that the Turban has a purple strap on the back which looks awesome with the Harness, which, in turn goes nicely with the Cobra gear I already have. For the first time ever, I think I look quite badass!

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