Monday 15 August 2011

Seasons in the Abyssea

I'd heard so much about Abyssea in podcasts and from general FFXI chatter either on forums or websites, or from friends, so Cheekee and Sirdante decided to introduce me to it properly as my 30-something WAR, just to see how much XP I could get with them.

We went to Abyssea-Grauberg, took a long trek through the woods and found a Galka who offered me a repeatable quest a bit like Fields of Valor. Had to kill crabs over and over, and then return to him to get the quest again.

Every so often a coloured chest would drop and the XP would increase or we'd get more time. XP started off slow but seemed to increase the more we killed, but it was still not the brilliant "level to the cap in a day" that I'd heard of. I think I only made a couple of levels before the end of the night, which wasn't bad, and I like the idea of Abyssea. Just can't wait until I'm higher to actually contribute!